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Reconceptualizing nature‐of‐science education in the age of social media
Science Education ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-15 , DOI: 10.1002/sce.21575
Dietmar Höttecke 1 , Douglas Allchin 2

Correspondence D i et mar H öt t ec ke, F ac ul t y of Educ at i on, P hy si c s Educ at i on G r oup, U ni v er si t y of H ambur g, 20146 H ambur g, G er many . Emai l : di et mar . hoet t ec ke@ uni hambur g. de Abstract Individuals are increasingly relying on social media as their primary source of scientific information. Science education needs to adapt. Nature of science (NOS) education is already widely accept ed as essential to scientific literacy and to an informed public. We argue that NOS now needs to also include the NOS communication: its mediation, mechanisms, and manipulation. Namely, students need to learn about the epistemics of communicative practices, both within science (as a model) and in society. After profiling the current media landscape, we consider the implications of recent major studies on science communication for science education in the 21st century. We focus in particular on communicative patterns prominent in social media: algorithms to aggregate news, filter bubbles, echo chambers, spirals of silence, false‐ consensus effects, fake news, and intentional disinformation. We claim that media literacy is now essential to a complete view of the NOS, or “ Whole Science.” We portray that new content as a n extension of viewing science as a system of specialized experts, with mutual epistemic dependence, and the social and communicative practices that establish trust and credibility.



函授 D i et mar H t tecke,教育学院,物理教育集团,汉堡大学,20146 汉堡,G呃很多。电子邮件:di et mar 。hoet t ec ke@uni hambur g. 摘要 个人越来越依赖社交媒体作为他们获取科学信息的主要来源。科学教育需要适应。科学本质 (NOS) 教育已经被广泛接受为科学素养和知情公众的必要条件。我们认为 NOS 现在还需要包括 NOS 通信:它的中介、机制和操纵。也就是说,学生需要了解科学(作为模型)和社会中的交流实践的认知。在分析了当前的媒体格局之后,我们考虑了最近关于科学传播的主要研究对 21 世纪科学教育的影响。我们特别关注社交媒体中突出的交流模式:聚合新闻的算法、过滤气泡、回声室、沉默的螺旋、虚假共识效应、虚假新闻和故意虚假信息。我们声称媒体素养现在对于全面了解 NOS 或“整体科学”至关重要。我们将新内容描述为将科学视为专业专家系统的延伸,相互认知依赖,以及建立信任和可信度的社会和交流实践。虚假共识效应、虚假新闻和故意虚假信息。我们声称媒体素养现在对于全面了解 NOS 或“整体科学”至关重要。我们将新内容描述为将科学视为专业专家系统的延伸,相互认知依赖,以及建立信任和可信度的社会和交流实践。虚假共识效应、虚假新闻和故意虚假信息。我们声称媒体素养现在对于全面了解 NOS 或“整体科学”至关重要。我们将新内容描述为将科学视为专业专家系统的延伸,相互认知依赖,以及建立信任和可信度的社会和交流实践。