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Centring race in contemporary educational privatization policies: the genealogy of U.S. ‘private school choice’ and its implications for research
Race Ethnicity and Education ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.1080/13613324.2020.1798384
Jennifer LaFleur 1


Just ahead of the 2017 U.S. presidential inauguration the Hoover Institute convened a forum to explore policy avenues for privatizing public education. The option favoured by forum moderator and Fordham Institute President, Michael Petrilli, was the tax-credit scholarship, a policy currently employed in 18 states. Funded through donations from corporations and individuals whoreceive a tax benefit, these programs are managed through state revenue codes, not education codes. In 2019,U.S. Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos proposed a federal private school choice program despite the fact that evaluations have struggled to demonstrate any evidence of educational benefit. This paper argues that present-day efforts to privatize public education are rooted in social, political, and economic projects that consolidate power among white Americans. Finally, the paper sketches the contours of a historical-geographic materialist research agenda that examines the implications of privatization in public education for racial justice.




就在 2017 年美国总统就职典礼之前,胡佛研究所召开了一个论坛,探讨公共教育私有化的政策途径。论坛版主兼福特汉姆学院院长迈克尔·佩特里利 (Michael Petrilli) 青睐的选项是税收抵免奖学金,该政策目前在 18 个州实施。这些项目的资金来自获得税收优惠的公司和个人的捐款,这些项目是通过州税收法规而非教育法规来管理的。2019 年,美国教育部长 Betsy DeVos 提出了一项联邦私立学校选择计划,尽管评估一直难以证明任何教育效益的证据。本文认为,当今将公共教育私有化的努力植根于巩固美国白人权力的社会、政治和经济项目。最后,
