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Art of the Power Deal: The Four Negotiation Roles of Donald J. Trump
Negotiation Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-29 , DOI: 10.1111/nejo.12265
Eugene B. Kogan

In this article, I mine President Donald Trump’s considerable writing and speaking record to synthesize the key elements of his deal‐making approach to help make better sense of his rhetoric and actions on the world’s diplomatic stage. My argument is that Trump’s coercive negotiation style is best understood through the prism of his four public roles: observer, performer, controller, and disrupter. In this article, I analyze how these roles translate into his negotiating behavior. Spotting and exploiting vulnerability is his trade; leverage and bravado are his tools. After assessing the opposing side, Trump uses leverage to threaten his counterparts’ weaknesses, while using bravado to play up the advantages of reaching an agreement on his terms. This way, he presents a drastic structured choice to his opponents, leaving them the least maneuvering space. In the final section of the paper, I illustrate how the four‐role framework helps explain Trump’s decisions in the nuclear negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. I also consider opportunities for further research.



在本文中,我挖掘了唐纳德·特朗普总统的大量书面和演讲记录,以综合其交易方法的关键要素,以帮助更好地理解他在世界外交舞台上的言论和行动。我的观点是,特朗普的强制性谈判风格最好通过他的四个公共角色(观察者,表演者,控制者和破坏者)来理解。在本文中,我分析了这些角色如何转化为他的谈判行为。发现和利用脆弱性是他的交易;杠杆和自负是他的工具。在评估了对方之后,特朗普利用杠杆作用威胁对方的劣势,同时利用虚张声势发挥按他的条款达成协议的优势。这样,他向对手提出了激烈的结构选择,给他们留下最少的机动空间。在本文的最后部分,我将说明四角色框架如何帮助解释特朗普在与朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)进行的核谈判中的决定。我也考虑了进一步研究的机会。