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Hard‐Core Toughie: Donald Trump’s Negotiations for the United States Presidency
Negotiation Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-29 , DOI: 10.1111/nejo.12263
Ilias Kapoutsis , Roger Volkema

This paper examines the negotiation tactics employed by Donald Trump in his 2016 presidential campaign. Drawing on data from multiple sources (interviews, debates, articles, books), our analysis begins with a brief overview of Trump’s personality and philosophy, which offers a basis for understanding his general negotiating approach. We then highlight six competitive tactics and four principles of persuasion that Trump employs, with specific examples of how he used them during the campaign with his primary negotiating counterparts – the other candidates, the Republican Party, the press corps, and the American electorate. Finally, we discuss some of the implications of his negotiating approach and preferred tactics in dealing with domestic and international issues as president of the United States.



本文研究了唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在其2016年总统竞选中采用的谈判策略。我们从多种来源(访谈,辩论,文章,书籍)中获取数据,我们的分析首先简要概述了特朗普的个性和哲学,这为理解他的一般谈判方法提供了基础。然后,我们重点介绍特朗普采用的六种竞争策略和说服力的四个原则,并举例说明他在竞选期间如何与主要的谈判对手-其他候选人,共和党,新闻界和美国选民一起使用它们。最后,我们讨论了他作为美国总统在处理国内和国际问题上的谈判方法和首选策略的一些含义。