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Learning about Negotiating Intangibles – for Ill and for Good
Negotiation Journal ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-29 , DOI: 10.1111/nejo.12279
Mary Rowe

The Need for Negotiation Literacy

United States citizens are increasingly polarized in many arenas, from the voting booth to cyberspace. This polarization appears to be as much about intangibles, such as identity and feelings, as about tangibles like income inequality and wealth. Future generations must learn to manage negotiations rooted in intangibles and to understand the use of intangibles for ill and for good.

As a foundation, every citizen (from kindergarten on) should learn the basics of negotiation theory and practice. The basic negotiation skills are indeed very basic and are, as it happens, mostly about intangibles. We need to listen broadly and effectively; recognize our own feelings and those of others; maintain self‐discipline; be perceived to be respectful and trustworthy; assess truthfulness and credibility; understand taking sides (advocacy) and not taking sides (neutrality). We need to learn to develop and evaluate many options for action. These skills help us to identify relevant stakeholders in any negotiation, and the significant interests and sources of power of each stakeholder – including our own.

Citizens should also use these skills to understand negotiation strategy and how the intangibles can serve destructive as well constructive strategies. Parties may “compete, collaborate, avoid, accommodate and/or compromise” for positive gains (Blake and Mouton 1964) and negotiators may “force” and/or “foster” to achieve their goals (Cutcher‐ Gershenfeld, McKersie, and Walton 1995).

Some stakeholders, however, have negative interests: autocratic control, revenge, self‐aggrandizement, and constant combat – to steal from, and/or eliminate other parties with non‐kinetic forms of opposition (Rowe 2015). Sometimes negative strategies seem attractive to politicians, especially when they serve the interests of a limited group of stakeholders. Citizens must learn when and why to reject destructive strategies.

When I was a child I was only taught that collaboration was the “right” thing to do. I learned from negotiation theory that collaboration, where it is possible, can also produce mathematically better outcomes for more citizens more of the time.








