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Identifying patterns of students' performance on simulated inquiry tasks using PISA 2015 log‐file data
Journal of Research in Science Teaching ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-11 , DOI: 10.1002/tea.21657
Nani Teig 1 , Ronny Scherer 2 , Marit Kjærnsli 1

Previous research has demonstrated the potential of examining log‐file data from computer‐based assessments to understand student interactions with complex inquiry tasks. Rather than solely providing information about what has been achieved or the accuracy of student responses (product data), students' log files offer additional insights into how the responses were produced (process data). In this study, we examined students' log files to detect patterns of students' interactions with computer‐based assessment and to determine whether unique characteristics of these interactions emerge as distinct profiles of inquiry performance. Knowledge about the characteristics of these profiles can shed light on why some students are more successful at solving simulated inquiry tasks than others and how to support student understanding of scientific inquiry through computer‐based environments. We analyzed the Norwegian PISA 2015 log‐file data, science performance as well as background questionnaire (N = 1,222 students) by focusing on two inquiry tasks, which required scientific reasoning skills: coordinating the effects of multiple variables and coordinating theory and evidence. Using a mixture modeling approach, we identified three distinct profiles of students' inquiry performance: strategic, emergent, and disengaged. These profiles revealed different characteristics of students' exploration behavior, inquiry strategy, time‐on‐task, and item accuracy. Further analyses showed that students' assignment to these profiles varied according to their demographic characteristics (gender, socio‐economic status, and language at home), attitudes (enjoyment in science, self‐efficacy, and test anxiety), and science achievement. Although students' profiles on the two inquiry tasks were significantly related, we also found some variations in the proportion of students' transitions between profiles. Our study contributes to understanding how students interact with complex simulated inquiry tasks and showcases how log‐file data from PISA 2015 can aid this understanding.


使用PISA 2015日志文件数据识别学生在模拟询问任务中的表现模式

先前的研究表明,检查基于计算机的评估中的日志文件数据以了解学生与复杂查询任务的交互作用的潜力。学生的日志文件不仅提供有关已取得的成就或学生的回答准确性(产品数据)的信息,还提供了有关如何生成响应(过程数据)的更多见解。)。在本研究中,我们检查了学生的日志文件,以通过基于计算机的评估来检测学生的互动模式,并确定这些互动的独特特征是否作为查询绩效的不同特征出现。有关这些配置文件的特征的知识可以阐明为什么有些学生比其他学生在解决模拟探究任务上更成功,以及如何通过基于计算机的环境来支持学生对科学探究的理解。我们分析了挪威PISA 2015的日志文件数据,科学性能以及背景调查表(N= 1,222名学生),着重于两个探究任务,这些任务需要科学的推理技能:协调多个变量的影响以及协调理论和证据。使用混合建模方法,我们确定了学生的查询表现的三个不同的方面:策略性突发性脱离接触。这些资料揭示了学生探索行为,查询策略,任务时间和项目准确性的不同特征。进一步的分析表明,学生对这些个人资料的分配根据其人口统计学特征(性别,社会经济地位和家庭语言),态度(对科学的享受,自我效能感和考试焦虑)和科学成就的不同而不同。尽管学生在两个查询任务上的个人资料之间存在显着相关性,但我们也发现学生在个人资料之间的过渡比例有所不同。我们的研究有助于理解学生如何与复杂的模拟询问任务进行交互,并展示了PISA 2015的日志文件数据如何有助于这种理解。