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Industry 4.0 technologies in tourism education: Nurturing students to think with technology
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2020.100275
Eleonora Bilotta , Francesca Bertacchini , Lorella Gabriele , Simona Giglio , Pietro Salvatore Pantano , Tullio Romita

The Industry 4.0 revolution is bringing major transformations in the tourism systems design suitable for technologically oriented consumers. Indeed, methods and technologies introduced by Big Data, Automation, Virtual and augmented reality, Robotics and ICT well fit with the Tourism 4.0 paradigm. However, tourism students are not yet trained on techniques, issues and methods related to the Industry 4.0 framework.

Hence, relying on a careful examination of the literature on tourism market trends linked to the offer of innovative technological services, we identified conceptual, methodological, technological and practical skills to be developed in an academic curriculum for Tourism Science students. Learning path were focused on: i) processes of data acquisition from social media, ii) data analysis using Machine Learning techniques and iii) data design into significant elements useful to implement communication systems in the tourism field.


showed that the most of participants achieved a medium-high evaluation for the implementation of the communication systems, applying appropriately techniques and tools learned along the course. Furthermore, the high percentage of students satisfaction registered in relation to the course, revealed that students enjoyed this experience. Outcomes reflects the acquisition and the awareness of those skills that will enable students to be conscious protagonists of their role in tourism 4.0.



工业 4.0 革命正在为适合以技术为导向的消费者的旅游系统设计带来重大变革。事实上,大数据、自动化、虚拟和增强现实、机器人和 ICT 引入的方法和技术非常适合旅游 4.0 范式。然而,旅游学生尚未接受与工业 4.0 框架相关的技术、问题和方法的培训。

因此,依靠对与提供创新技术服务相关的旅游市场趋势文献的仔细研究,我们确定了要在旅游科学学生的学术课程中发展的概念、方法、技术和实践技能。学习路径侧重于:i) 从社交媒体获取数据的过程,ii) 使用机器学习技术进行数据分析,以及 iii) 将数据设计为对在旅游领域实施通信系统有用的重要元素。


表明大多数参与者对通信系统的实施获得了中高评价,并适当地应用了在课程中学到的技术和工具。此外,与课程相关的学生满意度很高,这表明学生喜欢这种体验。结果反映了这些技能的获得和意识,这些技能将使学生成为他们在旅游 4.0 中角色的自觉主角。
