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A feedforward approach to teaching, learning and assessment in an undergraduate sports science module
Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhlste.2020.100257
M.R. Noon , E.L.J. Eyre

Embedding a formative element into assessment strategies may improve assessment literacy, feedback literacy and aid the transition to university for students with differing entry routes, facilitating improved student learning. A feedforward assessment design was implemented within a level four, first semester, module on a BSc Sport and Exercise Science degree. A mixed method design using a questionnaire and focus groups revealed both BTEC and A level students had positive perceptions of the feedforward assessment on improving academic study skills, setting expectations and easing the transition to university. Prior experiences (assessment type, independence, educator support and feedback preference) differed between BTEC and A Level students which seem to influence their perceptions of the assessment. Based on the findings of this study, a feedforward approach to assessment seems to assist in supporting students in the transition to university.



将形成性元素嵌入评估策略中可以提高评估素养,反馈素养,并帮助具有不同入学途径的学生升读大学,从而促进学生的学习。在BSc体育与运动科学学位的第四级(第一学期)模块中实施了前馈评估设计。使用问卷和焦点小组进行的混合方法设计显示,BTEC和A级学生对前馈评估抱有积极的看法,这些评估有助于提高学术学习技能,设定期望并简化向大学的过渡。BTEC和A Level学生之间的先前经验(评估类型,独立性,教育者的支持和反馈偏好)有所不同,这似乎会影响他们对评估的看法。根据这项研究的结果,
