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Religious literacy: spaces of teaching and learning about religion and belief
Journal of Beliefs & Values ( IF 1.724 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2020.1750243
Stephen Parker 1

Religious literacy has emerged as a commonplace term (amongst other identified and multiple literacies, e.g. media literacy, financial literacy, coding literacy) in education over the past 20 years, deemed to be a necessary component for successful citizenship across contemporary societies. Specifically, religious literacy is said to entail ‘the ability to discern and analyse the fundamental intersections of religion and social/political/cultural life through multiple lenses’. A religiously literate person is described as possessing: ‘a basic understanding of the history, central texts (where applicable), beliefs, practices and contemporary manifestations of several of the world’s religious traditions as they arose out of and continue to be shaped by particular social, historical and cultural contexts’ and ‘the ability to discern and explore the religious dimensions of political, social and cultural expressions across time and place’. Crucially, the religiously literate person will understand ‘religions and religious influences in context and as inextricably woven into all dimensions of human experience’ (Moore 2015, 30–31). Far from simply knowing the ‘facts’ about religion/s a religiously literate person will have managed to get ‘under the skin’ of religious life. They will, to use different terminologies, be able to imagine what it is like to exist within the schema of another’s worldview.



在过去的 20 年里,宗教素养已成为教育中的一个常见术语(包括其他已识别和多种素养,例如媒体素养、金融素养、编码素养),被认为是当代社会成功公民的必要组成部分。具体而言,宗教素养被认为需要“通过多个镜头辨别和分析宗教与社会/政治/文化生活的基本交叉点的能力”。一个有宗教知识的人被描述为拥有:“对世界上一些宗教传统的历史、中心文本(如适用)、信仰、实践和当代表现有基本的了解,因为它们起源于特定的社会,并继续受其影响。 , 历史和文化背景”以及“跨时间和地点辨别和探索政治、社会和文化表现形式的宗教维度的能力”。至关重要的是,有宗教知识的人将理解“宗教和宗教影响在上下文中并与人类经验的各个方面密不可分”(Moore 2015, 30-31)。远非简单地了解有关宗教的“事实”/有宗教知识的人将设法“深入了解”宗教生活。使用不同的术语,他们将能够想象存在于另一个世界观的模式中是什么感觉。有宗教知识的人将理解“宗教和宗教影响在上下文中并与人类经验的各个方面密不可分”(Moore 2015, 30-31)。远非简单地了解有关宗教的“事实”/有宗教知识的人将设法“深入了解”宗教生活。使用不同的术语,他们将能够想象存在于另一个世界观的模式中是什么感觉。有宗教知识的人将理解“宗教和宗教影响在上下文中并与人类经验的各个方面密不可分”(Moore 2015, 30-31)。远非简单地了解有关宗教的“事实”/有宗教知识的人将设法“深入了解”宗教生活。使用不同的术语,他们将能够想象存在于另一个世界观的模式中是什么感觉。