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Right answer, wrong problem: commentary on A Theory of Moral Education
Journal of Beliefs & Values ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-04 , DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2020.1717238
Ben Kotzee 1

A Theory of Moral Education is a book about rational moral education. Hand opens the book by drawing attention to one of the most basic facts about morality – that people often disagree about what is and what is not the right thing to do. In some cases of moral disagreement, one party obviously has the better view; however, some moral disagreement is between perfectly reasonable people. When confronted with peer disagreement about morality, it is hard to say exactly who is right and Hand points out how this problem impacts on moral education. We tend to educate our children together, even though we sometimes have very different moral views and very different hopes for the moral outlook that our children will adopt. What, then, should we teach our children about morality if we do not agree about what morality requires? Speaking practically, to encourage parents to keep educating children in common schools requires a certain level of commitment from them; if all parents do not ‘buy in’ to common schooling, they may withdraw their children from common schools, leading to social fragmentation. Speaking theoretically, educational thinkers reserve a special kind of condemnation for educators who teach the wrong thing about important and disputed matters like morality or politics; this is called ‘indoctrination’ and in the moral classroom teachers must apply special care not to be guilty of it. Hand summarises the problems that arise for moral education if we disagree about moral standards as the difficulty of reconciling three claims:


