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Guest editorial: The rise of early career insolvency law academics and researchers
International Insolvency Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-25 , DOI: 10.1002/iir.1363
Jennifer Gant 1 , Gert‐Jan Boon 2 , Eugenio Vaccari 3


Insolvency and restructuring law is in a boom of activity, owing in part to the introduction of the Preventive Restructuring Directive11 Directive (EU) 2019/1023 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 202,019 on preventive restructuring frameworks, on discharge of debt and disqualifications, and on measures to increase the efficiency of procedures concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt, and the amending of Directive (EU) 2017/1132 (Directive on restructuring and insolvency) [2019] OJ L 172/18.
in the European Union and the shifting of the global landscape in insolvency law further toward rehabilitation and restructuring. It seems even the fundamental principles and theories that have underpinned and justified collective proceedings that interfere with creditors' individual contractual rights are undergoing a paradigm shift. The growth of interest in this area is evident from the many funded projects that have taken place in insolvency and restructuring law over the last several years. Three examples of the growing field of insolvency related research are the ELI Business Rescue Project,22 Bob Wessels and Stephan Madaus, Instrument of the European Law Institute on Rescue of Business in Insolvency Law (2017), available at: https://europeanlawinstitute.eu/projects-publications/completed-projects/insolvency.
which completed in 2017, the CODIRE project,33 For the monograph setting out the findings and recommendations of the CODIRE project team, see Lorenzo Stanghellini et al., Best Practices in European Restructuring: Contractualised Distress Resolution in the Shadow of the Law (CODIRE) (Wolters Kluwer, 2018).
which completed in 2018, and the JCOERE Project,44 Judicial Co‐Operation Supporting Economic Recovery in Europe—Project number JUST‐AG‐2017/JUST‐JCOO‐AG‐2017 funded by the European Commission DG Justice. For more information, see: https://www.ucc.ie/en/jcoere/.
which is ongoing and due to complete at the end of 2020.

It is not surprising, then, that there is a growing interest in the field of restructuring and insolvency law as topics of focus for young PhD researchers and early career academics.

Not only has the number of younger researchers grown over the last few years, they have also become increasingly better connected. Drivers in this area have been networks of young academics, such as the Younger Academics Network of Insolvency Law (YANIL, part of the INSOL Europe Academic Forum),55 Chaired by Gert‐Jan Boon with a board comprised of five additional members, including Dr Jennifer Gant (University College Cork), Dr Emilie Ghio (Birmingham City University), Dr David Ehmke (Sullivan and Cromwell LLP), Dr Line Langkjaer (Aarhus University), and Dr Eugenio Vaccari (University of Essex). The YANIL Board can be contacted at: yanilboardmembers@gmail.com. For more information, visit the YANIL Website: https://www.insol-europe.org/yanil-introduction-and-members; LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13617045/; and follow YANIL on Twitter: @InsolYanil.
and the INSOL Early Researcher Academics (INSOL ERA, part of INSOL International).66 Chaired by Dr Eugenio Vaccari with a board comprised of five additional members, including Dr Jennifer Gant (University College Cork), Dr Lézelle Jacobs (University of Wolverhampton), Ilya Kokorin (Leiden University), Dr Elizabeth Streten (Queensland University of Technology) and Dr Virginia Torrie (University of Manitoba). Contact the INSOL ERA Board at: era@insol.org.
These groups facilitate connections and collaborations with insolvency academics across the globe and have proved to be a great source of cross‐fertilization for PhD research in insolvency and restructuring research.

The year 2019 has shown two milestones in regard of these networks: the tenth anniversary of YANIL and the establishment of INSOL ERA.




破产法和重组法正在蓬勃发展,部分原因是引入了预防性重组指令11欧洲议会和理事会于2019年6月发布的(EU)2019/1023指令,关于预防性重组框架,债务清算和取消资格以及关于提高重组,破产和债务清偿程序效率的措施,以及指令(EU)2017/1132(重组和破产指令)的修订[2019] OJ L 172/18。
欧洲联盟的破产以及破产法的全球格局进一步转向恢复和重组。看来,甚至那些支撑和证明集体诉讼妨碍债权人个人合同权利的基本原理和理论也在经历着范式转变。在过去几年中,许多有关破产和重组法律的资助项目证明了这一领域的兴趣在增长。破产相关研究领域不断发展的三个例子是ELI商业救援项目,22 Bob Wessels和Stephan Madaus,欧洲法律研究所关于破产法营救的文书(2017年),网址:https://europeanlawinstitute.eu/projects-publications/completed-projects/insolvency。
于2017年完成的CODIRE项目,33有关阐述CODIRE项目团队的发现和建议的专着,请参见Lorenzo Stanghellini等人,《欧洲重组最佳实践:法律阴影下的合同困境解决(CODIRE)(Wolters Kluwer,2018年)。
于2018年完成,还有JCOERE项目,44支持欧洲经济复苏的司法合作-项目编号JUST-AG-2017 / JUST-JCOO-AG-2017,由欧盟DG司法委员会资助。有关更多信息,请参见:https://www.ucc.ie/en/jcoere/。


在过去的几年中,不仅年轻的研究人员数量增加了,而且他们之间的联系也越来越紧密。该领域的推动者是青年学者网络,例如“青年学者破产法网络”(YANIL,INSOL欧洲学术论坛的一部分),55由Gert-Jan Boon主持,董事会由五名其他成员组成,包括Jennifer Gant博士(科克大学),Emilie Ghio博士(伯明翰城市大学),David Ehmke博士(沙利文和Cromwell LLP),Line Langkjaer博士(奥胡斯)大学)和Eugenio Vaccari博士(埃塞克斯大学)。可以通过yanilboardmembers@gmail.com与YANIL委员会联系。有关更多信息,请访问YANIL网站:https://www.insol-europe.org/yanil-introduction-and-members;领英集团:https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13617045/; 并在Twitter上关注YANIL:@InsolYanil。
以及INSOL早期研究员学者(INSOL ERA,INSOL International的一部分)。66由Eugenio Vaccari博士担任主席,董事会由五个其他成员组成,包括Jennifer Gant博士(科克大学),LézelleJacobs博士(伍尔弗汉普顿大学),Ilya Kokorin博士(莱顿大学),Elizabeth Streten博士(昆士兰理工大学)弗吉尼亚·托里博士(曼尼托巴大学)。通过以下地址联系INSOL ERA委员会:era@insol.org。

2019年在这些网络方面显示了两个里程碑:YANIL十周年和INSOL ERA的成立。
