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International Insolvency Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-09 , DOI: 10.1002/iir.1356
Paul Omar 1

Since inheriting the mantle of Editor of the International Insolvency Review from the late Professor Ian Fletcher in 2017, I have been fortunate to assist in some of the changes that have underpinned the continuing ambition of the journal and its publishers, Wiley's, to cement that reputation. Professor Fletcher's custodianship of the journal over its first 25 issues saw it go from strength to strength, to the point that it can justly claim to be among the premier insolvency law journals in the world.

Over the past 3 years, journal copy has increased in size, without sacrificing the quality that readers have come to expect. Book reviews are now a regular inclusion in the journal, charting additions to the immense literature that exists in the insolvency law world. Guest editorials have featured contributions from many of the most eminent scholars and practitioners in insolvency, each of whom has been able to put forward their vision of changes to come as well as commentary on current developments. Finally, but not the least of these changes, the journal itself has had a makeover, bringing the way it is presented firmly into the modern age.

This issue is a new venture for the journal, consisting of papers drawn from a common research project inaugurated through discussions by participants at the Household Finance Collaborative Research Network, which occurred at a Law & Society meeting in Toronto in 2018. The papers, on a common theme of developments in consumer insolvency, provide perspectives from 6 different jurisdictions drawn from civil law, common law, and mixed traditions. They offer the rarity of a comparative law perspective of the changes that are occurring across the globe in this subject area.

It is hoped that this special issue will form a template for the publication of further issues derived from conferences, research projects, and common themes explored through cooperation between scholars. In this light, the special issues will supplement the regular issues that continue to feature articles drawn from researchers across the world and will add their own unique contribution to the unrivalled scholarship in insolvency represented in the pages of this journal.

I hope that readers will agree that the changes intervening since Professor Fletcher left us have been in keeping with his hopes for the continued success of the journal. I also hope that the introduction of this special issue, with others hopefully to come, will also be met in the same spirit.



自2017年从已故的伊恩·弗莱彻(Ian Fletcher)教授继承《国际破产评论》编辑的专长以来,我很幸运地协助进行了一些变革,这些变革巩固了该杂志及其出版商(Wiley's)继续雄心壮志以巩固这一声誉。弗莱彻教授在该期刊的前25期中担任托管人,这使它日趋强大,甚至可以说它是世界上主要的破产法期刊之一。




