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La Ineficacia Concursal: Estudio Doctrinario y jurisprudencial en el Sistema Concursal Peruano, Anthony L. Vera‐Portocarrero Lex & Iuris, 1st ed., 2018, 477 pp., ISBN 978‐612‐4334‐13‐9, S/.70
International Insolvency Review ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-27 , DOI: 10.1002/iir.1366
Jorge M. Ziches 1

As part of his extensive research work, Anthony Lizárraga Vera‐Portocarrero, a legal practitioner specialized in financially distressed companies, insolvency law, and bankruptcy, puts in our hands the book entitled “Clawback Regime in the Peruvian Insolvency and Bankruptcy System: A Doctrinal and Case‐Law Study”, which once more shows his significant contribution to the study of these matters, especially to the development of one of the most important institutions of insolvency systems everywhere in the world: Insolvency Clawback.

Accordingly, this book reflects, on the one hand, a deep, analytical, yet instructive and systematic doctrine‐based and law‐based research work on Clawback actions, expounding the theoretical and conceptual aspects of Clawback regimes both within the Peruvian legal system and from comparative doctrine; and, on the other hand, it provides a practical view grounded on multiple cases on the matter filed with Peruvian courts. We have to remark that the essence of this work is to show a rigorous analysis of the implications of the current regulations under the Peruvian Clawback regime, without leaving aside a comparative‐law approach.

The work starts with a description of the Peruvian insolvency system, based on clear, direct and concise methodological devices, ushering the reader into the effects that result from a debtor's insolvency situation, in which the subject under study, namely Clawback, takes place. This extensive work has detailed bibliographical material both on doctrine and on case law, making the language of the text easy to understand and handle by readers. In this regard, the work is divided into five chapters, with Appendices being included at the end of the book, in addition to a bibliography with a complete description of all the information used in the research.

The first chapter addresses how the debtor's default on payments leads inexorably to financial distress, which is at the inception of the bankruptcy or insolvency system, as insolvency is the company owner's inability to pay its debts. It also describes the universal principles of insolvency law, the development of the pre‐insolvency and insolvency stages in the Peruvian legal system, and the assets that make up the bankruptcy estate. In this chapter, the author rigorously and thoroughly describes the participation of the various actors involved in an insolvency proceeding such as debtors, creditors, administrators and/or liquidators, in addition to the government agency that serves as the insolvency authority in Peru—the National Institute for the Defence of Competition and Intellectual Property (INDECOPI).

The second chapter discusses the effects of the declaration of bankruptcy, both for the debtor and for its creditors, such as an “automatic stay” which suspends the enforcement of the debtor's obligations, protects the debtor's assets against court, arbitration, or administrative enforcing actions, or administrative enforcing actions, and clawback actions. The author describes the antecedents in the Peruvian law of the insolvency clawback regime and its various modifications and adjustments over the years. This chapter includes an important and outstanding aspect of this work, as the author meticulously examines Insolvency Clawback from a comparative law perspective applied to the two main existing legal systems: Civil Law (Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Italy, Mexico and Uruguay) and Common Law (the United States of America and the United Kingdom). Such comparable insolvency regulations under research are dissected, developed, and analysed in a clear, direct and schematic manner.

The third chapter describes the essence of Insolvency Clawback as regulated by the Peruvian insolvency law. It begins with a definition of Insolvency Clawback and with details of the methods for determining the so‐called suspect period. Furthermore, the author makes an interesting comparison between Insolvency Clawback and Paulian action. Finally, in this chapter, he thoroughly addresses the suspect period and unrestricted clawback, analysing each concept in a detailed and descriptive manner.

The fourth chapter contains important recommendations from the author, based on the problems he identified in his in‐depth research. Accordingly, he minutely shows in 14 comparative tables the shortcomings of the Peruvian Clawback regime as currently regulated. In this regard, various issues are discussed, such as the length of time of a lawsuit on insolvency clawback actions, the claimants who file clawback‐related lawsuits, and whether the debtor's assets can be correctly reintegrated into the bankruptcy estate in case the claim is declared grounded by the courts. In this chapter, the author explains each comparative table and provides detailed case law in the Appendices of the book, in order to provide grounds for his position on each point addressed.

The fifth—and last—chapter of the book elaborates on and analyses the nine conclusions reached by the author from his research, taking “the importance of insolvency proceedings in the financial crises of companies” as fundamental premise and starting point. Anthony thus establishes in each conclusion the aspects of the Clawback Regime that need to be changed in the Peruvian insolvency law in order to meet its main objective, namely to reconstitute, reintegrate, preserve, and determine the bankruptcy estate of the debtor under insolvency proceedings.

It is important to point out that the arguments made have been included in order to better examine clawback actions in the Peruvian legal system; such arguments are properly examined and supported throughout this work. In addition, the final part of the book includes a section of Appendices, which consist mostly of court and administrative case law on insolvency clawback actions, a feature that undoubtedly makes this work extraordinary due to the thorough information on court and administrative proceedings included in such Appendices. In that regard, such case law includes summaries of court rulings that show in detail the criteria currently held by judges on the various aspects to which insolvency clawback applies in our country.

Indubitably, this work proves to be a great contribution to the study of the insolvency clawback regime in our legal system and provides a rigorous and thorough treatment of clawback actions in the Peruvian insolvency system.


La Ineficacia Concursal:Estudio Doctrinario y jurisprudencial en el Sistema Concursal Peruano,Anthony L.Vera‐Portocarrero Lex&Iuris,1st ed。,2018,477 pp。,ISBN 978‐612‐4334‐13‐9,S / .70


因此,这本书一方面反映了关于回扣行为的深入,分析性,但有启发性和系统性的基于理论和法律的研究工作,阐述了秘鲁法律体系内以及来自秘鲁的回扣制度的理论和概念方面。比较主义 另一方面,它提供了一个实用的观点,基于在秘鲁法院提起的有关该案件的多个案件。我们必须指出,这项工作的实质是要对秘鲁的回扣制度下现行法规的含义进行严格的分析,而不要抛开比较法的方法。








