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Determinants of successful delivery by non-state actors: an exploratory study
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-14 , DOI: 10.1007/s10784-020-09482-8
Daniel Puig , Fatemeh Bakhtiari

Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are giving an increasingly prominent role to non-state actor action. Reflecting this development, significant research efforts have gone into studying non-state actor actions. However, the literature shows a paucity of studies of the determinants of delivery by non-state actors. The article asks the following question: what is the full range of determinants of delivery by non-state actor focused on adaptation to climate change and disaster risk reduction? Drawing on data collected through interviews with, and a survey of, core partners in a selection of non-state actor actions, the article puts forward a taxonomy that can help gauge the likelihood that a non-state actor action may be able to deliver on its intended objectives. The findings presented in the article reveal that several of the determinants of delivery by non-state actors are outside of the sphere of influence of the core partners in these actions. The article makes the case for using this kind of taxonomies to conducting ex ante assessments of non-state actor actions, with a view to reflecting the results of the assessments in the design of the action, thus increasing the quality of non-state actor action.



联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方正在赋予非国家行为者行动越来越突出的作用。为反映这一发展,大量的研究工作已投入到研究非国家行为者的行动中。然而,文献显示对非国家行为者交付决定因素的研究很少。这篇文章提出了以下问题:非国家行为者专注于适应气候变化和减少灾害风险的交付的全部决定因素是什么?文章利用通过对一系列非国家行为者行动的核心合作伙伴的访谈和调查收集的数据,提出了一个分类法,可以帮助衡量非国家行为者行动可能能够实现的可能性其预期目标。文章中提出的调查结果表明,非国家行为者交付的若干决定因素不在这些行动中核心合作伙伴的影响范围之内。文章论证了使用这种分类法对非国家行为者行为进行事前评估,以期将评估结果反映在行为设计中,从而提高非国家行为者行为的质量。 .