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Development of the Uppsala model of internationalization process: From internationalization to evolution
Global Strategy Journal ( IF 7.393 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-26 , DOI: 10.1002/gsj.1375
Jan‐Erik Vahlne 1

I explain how the Uppsala model of the internationalization process progressed from explaining internationalization to explaining evolution. Initially, empirical findings led to the formulation of a model, later named the Uppsala model, driven by the interplay between experiential learning and commitments to expand the business into new foreign markets and deepen engagements in existing markets. Later, conceptions led to networks becoming a key ingredient in the model. As a result, globalization, geographical extensions and reconfigurations, and coordination changes were shown to follow the same pattern of learning and commitments as internationalization did. More recently, other dimensions in firms' evolution, such as R&D, and organizational and strategic change processes appear to follow similar processes of learning and commitments.


