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Born globals from emerging economies: Reconciling early exporting with theories of internationalization
Global Strategy Journal ( IF 7.393 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-15 , DOI: 10.1002/gsj.1368
Marleen McCormick 1 , Deepak Somaya 2

What explains born global firms who internationalize very early through exports, when theories of internationalization recommend they focus on domestic markets first? While prior research suggests a number of factors that enable exporting by new ventures, empirical tests of these theories have not evaluated if these factors uniquely explain new venture exporting. We propose and empirically test hypotheses that exporting by young (relative to established) emerging‐economy firms increases when they tap into the drivers of modern globalization (Internet technologies, global talent flows) and overcome home‐country institutional constraints (government inefficiencies, location), all of which have bigger impacts on exporting by young firms than established ones. Understanding these unique drivers of born global emerging‐economy firms is critical for reconciling this phenomenon with traditional theories of firm internationalization.


