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On the Cover: Violin Plot
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-08 , DOI: 10.1111/emip.12339
Zhongmin Cui

Violin plots are less known than box plots, although they are cousins in that they show similar information. In addition to median and interquartile range, a violin plot shows the distribution of the data with a rotated smoothing curve. The distribution reveals additional details on the data (e.g., the number and location of peaks). A violin plot can be either elegant like a real violin or rough like the nose of a sawfish––it depends on the shape of the data and the smoothing function. Used properly, violin plots are appealing and insightful.

This issue's cover features The Musical Relative of the Boxplot– The Violin Plot by Aron Fink from Goethe‐University Frankfurt am Main in Germany. “The graphic shows a violin plot of the bias of the ability estimates for high ability students resulting from a computerized adaptive test using four different algorithms,” Fink described. “The middle part of each violin shows a classical box‐whisker‐plot,” the German researcher continued. “The shape of the violin displays the distribution of the data.”

Fink created the graphic using the ggplot2 package in R. This package can be used to create many elegant data visualizations, violin plots included. Interested readers may refer to https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggplot2/index.html for details about the ggplot2 package.

I enjoy working with violin plots and encourage readers to try it out if it is your first time seeing it. If you still have not been convinced, Fink's summary below should nail it.

To sum up, violin plots provide an advanced visualization of the distributions in a compact and attractive format that has several advantages over common approaches like classical box or density plots. They provide practitioners and educational researchers with a novel graphical tool which can easily be created using standard software like ggplot2.

If you are interested in learning more about this informative data visualization, please contact Aron Fink (a.fink@psych.uni‐frankfurt.de). If you have any questions or suggestions on the cover in general, please email Zhongmin Cui (zhongmin.cui@act.org).




本期杂志的封面介绍了德国法兰克福歌德大学的阿隆·芬克(Aron Fink)制作的“箱线图的音乐亲戚–小提琴图”。“该图显示了使用四种不同算法的计算机化自适应测试所产生的高能力学生的能力估计偏差的小提琴图,” Fink说道。这位德国研究人员继续说道:“每把小提琴的中间都有一个经典的箱须图。” “小提琴的形状显示了数据的分布。”




如果您有兴趣了解有关此信息性数据可视化的更多信息,请联系Aron Fink(a.fink@psych.uni-frankfurt.de)。如果您对封面有任何疑问或建议,请发送电子邮件至Zhongmin Cui(zhongmin.cui@act.org)。
