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Walking: towards a valuable academic life
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-30 , DOI: 10.1080/01596306.2020.1827222
Catherine Manathunga 1 , Alison L. Black 1 , Shelley Davidow 1


Frenetic digital timescapes reduce academic life to the endless achievement of metrics. These forces produce unsustainable work practices that disconnect us from ourselves, from ideas, from the natural world and from each other. While there is a substantial body of literature critiquing this, the use of arts-based inquiry into academic work is less common. In this article, we use slow ‘thinking-in-movement’ practices and arts-based methodologies to argue that beach walking enables us to resist the academic machine. We suggest that beaches act as liminal spaces where we may engage in post-feminist, new materialist c/a/r/tographies. Beach walking enables us to defamiliarize our bodies and interrupt the academic machine so that we might enact more embodied, contemplative ways of working. Written as a performative piece, this article intersperses citations of towards a valuable academic life. Come, join us as we walk … 




狂热的数字时间景观将学术生活简化为指标的无尽成就。这些力量产生了不可持续的工作实践,使我们与自己、思想、自然世界和彼此脱节。尽管有大量文献对此进行了批评,但对学术工作进行基于艺术的调查却不太常见。在本文中,我们使用缓慢的“运动中思考”实践和基于艺术的方法论来论证海滩散步使我们能够抵抗学术机器。我们建议海滩充当我们可以从事后女权主义、新唯物主义 c/a/r/tographies 的临界空间。沙滩散步使我们能够陌生化我们的身体并打断学术机器,以便我们可以制定更多体现、沉思的工作方式。写成表演作品,这篇文章穿插了对有价值的学术生活的引用。来吧,加入我们的行列…… 
