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Identifying Wildlife Corridors Using Local Knowledge and Occupancy Methods along the San Buenaventura-Ixiamas Road, La Paz, Bolivia
Tropical Conservation Science ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1177/1940082920966470
Robert Wallace 1, 2 , Guido Ayala 1 , Nuno Negroes 3 , Timothy O’Brien 2 , Maria Viscarra 1 , Ariel Reinaga 1 , Robert Márquez 4, 5 , Samantha Strindberg 2

In 2013, we conducted a baseline study on the presence, distribution and occupancy of medium- to large-sized mammals in Bolivia along the San Buenaventura-Ixiamas road that runs parallel to the Madidi National Park and Natural Area of Integrated Management boundary and cuts through the Tacana Indigenous Territory and a number of neighboring private properties. Establishing a 3 km buffer on each side of the road, we studied an 865 km2 area divided into 1 km2 cells and sampled a total of 356 of these cells. In each cell, we established one 300 m transect divided into 25 m sections and registered wildlife sign, mainly footprints, from eight wildlife species or species groups. The transects were placed either along streams (75% of cells) or within forest (25% of cells). Using single-season single-species occupancy models we estimated occupancy (ψ) for Tapirus terrestris (ψ = 0.39), Pecari tajacu (ψ = 0.5), Mazama americana (ψ = 0.56), Dasyprocta spp. (ψ = 0.59), Cuniculus paca (ψ = 0.56), Leopardus spp. (ψ = 0.33), and use for Tayassu pecari (ψ = 0.17) and Panthera onca (ψ = 0.11). Occupancy and use results verified community perceived wildlife corridors between Madidi and its area of influence. We identified additional corridors along many streams crossing the San Buenaventura-Ixiamas road. This connectivity is not only important for wildlife, but also from a food security perspective for the indigenous communities that depend on wildlife as an important source of protein. The results will be used to mitigate the impact of road improvements through the identification of priority areas for maintaining connectivity between Madidi and the surrounding landscape.


玻利维亚拉巴斯 San Buenaventura-Ixiamas 路沿线使用当地知识和占用方法识别野生动物走廊

2013 年,我们对玻利维亚沿 San Buenaventura-Ixiamas 公路的大中型哺乳动物的存在、分布和占有情况进行了基线研究,该公路与马迪迪国家公园和自然综合管理区边界平行并穿过塔卡纳土著领土和一些邻近的私人财产。在道路的每一侧建立一个 3 公里的缓冲区,我们研究了一个 865 平方公里的区域,分为 1 平方公里的小区,并对这些小区中的 356 个进行了采样。在每个单元格中,我们建立了一个 300 m 的横断面,分为 25 m 的部分和注册的野生动物标志,主要是足迹,来自八个野生动物物种或物种群。横断面沿溪流(75% 的单元格)或森林(25% 的单元格)放置。使用单季单物种占有率模型,我们估计了貘类(ψ = 0.39)、美洲鲟(ψ = 0.5)、Mazama americana(ψ = 0.56)、Dasyprocta spp 的占有率(ψ)。(ψ = 0.59), Cuniculus paca (ψ = 0.56), Leopardus spp。(ψ = 0.33),并用于 Tayassu pecari (ψ = 0.17) 和 Panthera onca (ψ = 0.11)。占用和使用结果验证了社区感知的 Madidi 及其影响区域之间的野生动物走廊。我们确定了沿着穿过圣布埃纳文图拉-伊克夏马斯公路的许多溪流的额外走廊。这种连通性不仅对野生动物很重要,而且从粮食安全的角度来看,对于依赖野生动物作为重要蛋白质来源的土著社区来说也是如此。