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Phylogeny, species delimitation and population structure of the steppe-inhabiting land snail genus Helicopsis in Eastern Europe
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-22 , DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa156
Igor A Balashov 1 , Marco T Neiber 2 , Bernhard Hausdorf 2

We here study the steppe-inhabiting land snail genus Helicopsis (Gastropoda: Geomitridae: Helicellinae) across Eastern Europe using mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences and nuclear AFLP markers and compare the biogeographical patterns with those of other steppe-inhabiting organisms. The subdivision of Central and Eastern European Helicopsis reflects the geographical subdivision of the European steppe belt in Pontic, Pannonian and Northern steppes. The subdivision within Helicopsis is deeper, at the species level, than in most other steppe-inhabiting groups. Helicopsis populations from the Pontic steppes can be classified into two sister-species. Helicopsis lunulata includes mainly populations with depressed conical shells previously identified as H. striata, but also populations with disc-like shells previously identified as H. instabilis, and it is distributed mainly west of the Dnieper River. Most Helicopsis populations from east of the Dnieper, especially from Crimea, belong to the variable H. filimargo that includes H. gasprensis, H. retowskii, H. arenosa, H. luganica, H. martynovi and H. subfilimargo. The species inhabiting the Pannonian Basin and the Northern steppes form a well-supported monophylum, including H. hungarica in the Pannonian Basin, H. austriaca at the fringe of the Eastern Alps and H. striata mainly in the Northern steppes.



在这里,我们研究了草原栖息地蜗牛属Helicopsis(腹足纲:Geomitridae:Helicellinae)使用线粒体16S rDNA序列和核AFLP标记在东欧和生物地理格局与其他草原栖生物的比较。中欧和东欧节肢动物的细分反映了庞蒂克,潘诺尼安和北部草原上欧洲草原带的地理区域。在物种层面上,Helicopsis内的细分比大多数其他草原上的群体更深。蓬蒂草原的螺旋藻种群可分为两个姊妹物种。卢氏螺旋藻主要包括圆锥形贝壳凹陷的种群,先前被鉴定为细纹斜纹夜蛾;也包括圆锥形贝壳盘状种群,先前被鉴定为不定丝,并且主要分布在第聂伯河以西。大多数Helicopsis从第聂伯河以东的人群,尤其是来自克里米亚,属于可变H. filimargo包括H. gasprensisH. retowskiiH. arenosaH. luganicaH. martynoviH. subfilimargo。居住在Pannonian盆地和北部草原上的物种形成了支撑良好的单叶植物,包括H. hungarica在潘诺尼亚平原,^ haustriaca在东部阿尔卑斯山的边缘H.芨主要在北方草原。