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Does local label bias consumer taste buds and preference? Evidence of a strawberry sensory experiment
Agribusiness ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-22 , DOI: 10.1002/agr.21680
Chenyi He 1 , Ruifeng Liu 2 , Zhifeng Gao 1 , Xin Zhao 3 , Charles A. Sims 4 , Rodolfo M. Nayga 5

Previous research mainly focuses on the impact of locality information/labels on consumer preference as a credence attribute that is not observable even after purchasing the products. We hypothesize that locality information on food may also influence consumer perception of the three types of attributes of food products: search (i.e., color, size, freshness, and shape), experience (i.e., flavor and texture), and other credence attributes (i.e., nutritional value). We conduct an experiment with a total of 100 participants. We combine the consumer sensory analysis with the CVM to determine the impact of locality information on consumers' perception of strawberry search, experience, and credence attributes, and how these three types of attributes affect consumers' willingness to pay (WTP) at different consumption stages. Results show that providing locality information affects the sensory attributes of color perceived by consumers. Color, size, and freshness have a significant impact on consumers' WTP before consumers taste the strawberries, while flavor and texture exhibit an influential impact on consumers' WTP after tasting. Locality information is not a significant factor in determining consumers' WTP before and after they taste the strawberries. However, for some consumers, it significantly affects their WTP if locality is perceived to be associated with improved nutritional quality and food safety comparing to people who perceive local food to be fresher.



以前的研究主要集中在位置信息/标签对消费者偏好的影响,作为一种信任属性,即使在购买产品后也无法观察到。我们假设食品的地域信息也可能影响消费者对食品三类属性的感知:搜索(即颜色、大小、新鲜度和形状)、体验(即风味和质地)和其他信任属性(即营养价值)。我们进行了一项共有 100 名参与者的实验。我们将消费者感官分析与 CVM 相结合,确定位置信息对消费者对草莓搜索、体验和信任属性的感知的影响,以及这三类属性如何影响消费者在不同消费阶段的支付意愿(WTP) . 结果表明,提供位置信息会影响消费者感知的颜色的感官属性。在消费者品尝草莓之前,颜色、大小和新鲜度对消费者的 WTP 有显着影响,而风味和质地对消费者品尝后的 WTP 有影响。位置信息并不是决定消费者品尝草莓前后 WTP 的重要因素。然而,对于一些消费者来说,如果与认为当地食物更新鲜的人相比,当地被认为与改善的营养质量和食品安全有关,则会显着影响他们的支付意愿。消费者品尝草莓前的WTP,而风味和质地对消费者品尝后的WTP有影响。位置信息并不是决定消费者品尝草莓前后 WTP 的重要因素。然而,对于一些消费者来说,如果与认为当地食物更新鲜的人相比,当地被认为与改善的营养质量和食品安全有关,则会显着影响他们的支付意愿。消费者品尝草莓前的WTP,而风味和质地对消费者品尝后的WTP有影响。位置信息并不是决定消费者品尝草莓前后 WTP 的重要因素。然而,对于一些消费者来说,如果与认为当地食物更新鲜的人相比,当地被认为与改善的营养质量和食品安全有关,则会显着影响他们的支付意愿。