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Epidermal complexity in the theropod dinosaur Juravenator from the Upper Jurassic of Germany
Palaeontology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-21 , DOI: 10.1111/pala.12517
Phil R. Bell 1 , Christophe Hendrickx 2

Epidermal scales among modern reptiles are morphologically diverse and serve a variety of functions ranging from moisture balance to chemoreception. Despite being predominantly squamous‐skinned (scaly), the functional implications of this type of integument have never before been explored for a dinosaur. Re‐examination of the holotype of the theropod Juravenator starki (Kimmeridgian, Late Jurassic) reveals previously unseen diversity in its epidermal covering. In addition to the presence of short monofilaments on the dorsal and ventral parts of the tail, we identify distinctive scale patterns corresponding to discrete longitudinal bands of scutate, tuberculate and ornamented scales along the length of the tail. In modern squamous‐skinned amniotes, variation in scale architecture can be linked to functional differences between scale types. In Juravenator, distinctive circular nodes associated with the ornamented scales have recently been interpreted as integumentary sense organs. We also suggest that it is likely that the snake‐like scutate scales on the underside of the tail fulfilled a role related to mechanical protection rather than locomotory function. Whereas the literature on theropod epidermal structures has been dominated by discussions on the evolution and diversity of feathers, this study highlights the complexity of squamous integument in Juravenator, which is revealed as one of the most complex among known theropods. An exploration of the epidermal structures found in Juravenator and other non‐avian theropods reveals great complexity in the type and distribution of these structures across the clade, suggesting potential for the future inquiry into their taxonomic and biological importance.



现代爬行动物中的表皮鳞片在形态上是多种多样的,并具有从水分平衡到化学感受的各种功能。尽管主要是鳞状的(鳞状的),但这种类型的珠被的功能含义从未在恐龙中探索过。重新检查兽脚亚目兽脚兽兽的原型(Kimmeridgian,侏罗纪晚期)揭示了其表皮覆盖物中以前未见的多样性。除了在尾巴的背侧和腹侧部分上存在短的单丝外,我们还确定了独特的鳞片模式,这些模式与沿着尾巴的鳞片,结节状和装饰鳞片的离散纵向条带相对应。在现代鳞状羊膜中,鳞片结构的变化可能与鳞片类型之间的功能差异有关。在Juravenator中最近,与装饰鳞片相关的独特圆形结点已被解释为外皮感觉器官。我们还建议,尾巴下侧的蛇形盾形鳞片可能起着与机械保护有关的作用,而不是发挥机能的作用。尽管关于兽脚类动物表皮结构的文献主要是关于羽毛的进化和多样性的讨论,但这项研究强调了Juravenator中鳞状被膜的复杂性,这被认为是已知兽脚类动物中最复杂的一种。探索Juravenator中的表皮结构 其他非禽类兽脚类动物揭示了这些结构在整个进化枝上的类型和分布非常复杂,这表明将来有可能对其分类学和生物学重要性进行研究。