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Enumeration of various animals on the triangular lattice
European Journal of Combinatorics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2020.103294
Toufik Mansour , Reza Rastegar

In this paper, we consider various classes of polyiamonds that are animals residing on the triangular lattice. By careful analyses through certain layer-by-layer decompositions and cell pruning/growing arguments, we derive explicit forms for the generating functions of the number of nonempty translation-invariant baryiamonds (bargraphs in the triangular lattice), column-convex polyiamonds, and convex polyiamonds with respect to their perimeter. In particular, we show that the number of

(A) baryiamonds of perimeter n are asymptotically (ξ+1)2ξ4+ξ32ξ+12πn3ξn2,where ξ is a root of a certain explicit polynomial of degree 5.

(B) column-convex polyiamonds of perimeter n are asymptotic to (1799780917+3313175463)9517119274328926πn33+172n1.

(C) convex polyiamonds of perimeter n is asymptotic to 12804413πn33n.



在本文中,我们考虑了居住在三角晶格上的动物的各种类别的聚钻石。通过对某些逐层分解和单元修剪/增长参数的仔细分析,我们得出了非空平移不变大麦芽(三角格子中的条形图),圆柱凸多菱形和凸出数量的生成函数的显式形式。 Polyiamonds的周边。特别是,我们表明

(A)周长 ñ 渐近地 ξ+1个2ξ4+ξ3-2ξ+1个2πñ3ξ-ñ-2哪里 ξ 是某个次数为5的显式多项式的根。

(B)周长的圆柱凸多边形 ñ 渐近 1799780917+33131754639517-119274328926πñ33+172ñ-1个

(C)周边的凸多边形 ñ 渐近于 12804413πñ33ñ
