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Temporal and spatial availability of cereal straw in Germany—Case study: Biomethane for the transport sector
Energy, Sustainability and Society ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-21 , DOI: 10.1186/s13705-020-00274-1
André Brosowski , Ralf Bill , Daniela Thrän

By 2030, the German transport sector needs to achieve additional greenhouse gas savings of 67 million tonnes CO2-eq. and further progress requires swiftly implementable solutions. The fermentation of cereal straw is a promising option. Returning the digestate to the farmland can close agricultural cycles while simultaneously producing biomethane. The world's first large-scale, mono-digestion plant for straw is operational since 2014. The temporal and spatial biomass availability is a key issue when replicating this concept. No detailed calculations on this subject are available, and the strategic relevance of biomethane from straw in the transport sector cannot be sufficiently evaluated. To assess the balance of straw supply and use, a total of 30 data sets are combined, taking into account the cultivation of the five most important cereal types and the straw required for ten animal species, two special crops and 12 industrial uses. The data are managed at district level and presented for the years 2010 to 2018. In combination with high-resolution geodata, the results are linked to actual arable fields, and the availability of straw throughout the country is evaluated using a GIS. During the analysis period and based on the assumption that in case of fermentation up to 70% of the straw can be utilised, the mobilisable technical biomass potential for future biomethane production is between 13.9–21.5 Tg fm a−1. The annual potential fluctuates considerably due to weather anomalies. The all-time maximum in 2014 and the minimum for the last 26 years in 2018 are separated by just 4 years and a difference of 7.6 Tg fm. However, large parts of the potential are concentrated only in a few regions and biomethane from straw could provide 57–145 PJ of a low-emission fuel, saving 3–12 Tg CO2-eq. in case of full exploitation. Despite the strong fluctuations and high uncertainties, the potential is sufficient to supply numerous plants and to produce relevant quantities of biomethane even in weak years. To unlock the potential, the outcomes should be evaluated and discussed further with stakeholders in the identified priority regions.



到2030年,德国交通运输部门需要实现​​6700万吨二氧化碳当量的额外温室气体节省。进一步的进步需要迅速实施的解决方案。谷物秸秆的发酵是一个有前途的选择。将消化物返回农田可以关闭农业循环,同时生产生物甲烷。自2014年以来,世界上第一个大规模的单消化秸秆大规模消化工厂投入运营。复制该概念时,时空生物质的可获得性是一个关键问题。没有关于此主题的详细计算,并且无法充分评估运输秸秆中生物甲烷的战略意义。为了评估秸秆供应和使用之间的平衡,总共组合了30个数据集,考虑到五种最重要的谷物的种植以及十种动物,两种特殊作物和十二种工业用途所需的稻草。数据在地区级别进行管理,并提供2010年至2018年的数据。结合高分辨率地理数据,将结果与实际耕地关联起来,并使用GIS对全国各地的稻草可用性进行评估。在分析期间,并基于以下假设:如果发酵最多可利用70%的秸秆,则未来生物甲烷生产的可动员技术生物质潜力在13.9–21.5 Tg fm a-1之间。由于天气异常,年潜力波动很大。2014年的历史最高记录与2018年的最后26年的最低记录相距仅4年,相差7.6 Tg fm。但是,大部分潜力仅集中在少数几个地区,秸秆中的生物甲烷可提供57-145 PJ的低排放燃料,从而节省3-12 Tg的二氧化碳当量。在充分利用的情况下。尽管波动很大且不确定性很高,但即使在经济低迷时期,该潜力也足以为众多工厂供能并产生相应数量的生物甲烷。为了释放潜力,应该对成果进行评估,并与已确定优先领域的利益相关者进一步讨论。即使在经济低迷的年代,这种潜力也足以为众多工厂供能并产生相应数量的生物甲烷。为了释放潜力,应该对成果进行评估,并与已确定优先领域的利益相关者进一步讨论。即使在经济低迷的年代,这种潜力也足以为众多工厂供能并产生相应数量的生物甲烷。为了释放潜力,应该对成果进行评估,并与已确定优先领域的利益相关者进一步讨论。