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A new microsporidian parasite of the genus Amblyospora (Hazard and Oldacre, 1975) identified from the halophilic mosquito Ochlerotatus detritus (Haliday, 1833) (Diptera: Culicidae) through rDNA ITS sequencing
Aquatic Insects ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-21 , DOI: 10.1080/01650424.2020.1847296
Hannah Jane Shaw 1 , Craig Stephen Wilding 1


Ochlerotatus detritus (Haliday, 1833 Haliday, A.H. (1833), ‘Catalogue of Diptera Occurring about Holywood in Downshire’, Entomological Magazine, 1, 147180. [Google Scholar]) from Parkgate marshes, Wirral, UK are shown to be parasitised by a new species of Amblyospora (Hazard and Oldacre, 1975 Hazard, E.I., and Oldacre, S.W. (1975), Revision of Microsporida (Protozoa) Close to Thelohania: With Descriptions of One New Family, Eight New Genera, and Thirteen New Species, Washington: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. [Google Scholar]) microsporidian. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Internal Transcribed Spacer sequences from this microsporidian are distinct from those of all known microsporidia identified to date, but form a clade with Amblyospora weiseri Lukeš and Vávra, 1990 Lukeš, J., and Vávra, J. (1990), ‘Life Cycle of Amblyospora weiseri n.sp.: (Microsporidia) in Aedes cantans (Diptera, Culicidae)’, European Journal of Protistology, 25, 200208.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar] and A. stictici Andreadis, 1994 Andreadis, T.G. (1994), ‘Ultrastructural Characterization of Meiospores of Six New Species of Amblyospora (Microsporida: Amblyosporidae) from Northern Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) Mosquitoes’, The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 41, 147154.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar], microsporidia identified from Ochlerotatus cantans Meigen, 1818 Meigen, J.W. (1818), Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten Europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten (Vol. 1), Aachen: F.W. Forstmann. [Google Scholar] and O. sticticus Meigen, 1838 Meigen, J.W. (1838), Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten Europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten (Vol. 7), Hamburg: Schulz-Wundermann. [Google Scholar], respectively. Prevalence rates, from pooled samples (N = 5 per pool) were low (2.37%; lower limit 0.78%, upper limit 5.62%), which may be a consequence of these ephemeral brackish water pool habitats periodically drying out. There is increasing interest in the use of microsporidian parasites as novel vector control strategies and understanding the phenology of this microsporidian and its mosquito host may ultimately lead to new methods of control for this nuisance biting species.


通过rDNA ITS测序从嗜盐蚊Ochlerotatus detritus(1833年假日)(Diptera:Culicidae)中鉴定出一种新的Amblyospora属小孢子虫寄生虫(Hazard和Oldacre,1975)。


Ochlerotatus detritus(Haliday,1833) 茧蜂,AH1833), '双翅目目录大约发生在霍利伍德Downshire ',昆虫杂志,1,147 - 180 [Google Scholar])显示了来自英国威勒尔Parkgate沼泽地的一种新型盲目寄生虫(Hazard和Oldacre,1975年) EI的HazardSW的Oldacre1975),修订靠近Thelohania的小孢子虫(原生动物):描述了一个新家庭,八个新属和十三种新物种华盛顿美国农业部农业研究服务局 [Google Scholar])。系统发育分析表明,从该微孢子虫内转录间隔序列是从那些确定的日期的所有已知微孢子不同,但形成具有进化枝Amblyospora weiseri卢克什和Vávra,1990年 卢克斯,J.,和Vávra,J.1990年), '生命周期Amblyospora weiseri在n.sp:(微孢子虫)埃及cantans(双翅目蚊科),'欧洲杂志Protistology的,25,200 - 208[Crossref],[PubMed],[Web of  Science® ] ,[Google Scholar]A. stictici Andreadis1994年 安德烈亚,TG1994), '的六新种的Meiospores超微结构表征Amblyospora(Microsporida:Amblyosporidae)从北伊蚊(双翅目:蚊科)蚊子',杂志真核微生物学,41,147 - 154[Crossref],[Web ofScience®],[  Google Scholar],从小食蟹鱼Ochlerotatus cantansMeigen)鉴定出的小孢子虫,1818 Meigen,JW1818),《欧洲系统论》(EuropäischenzweiflügeligenInsekten,第1卷),亚琛(Aachen)FW Forstmann [Google Scholar]O. sticticusMeigen,1838年 梅根,JW1838年),《欧洲体系的系统论》(第7卷),汉堡舒尔茨·文德曼(Schulz-Wundermann) [Google Scholar]。汇总样本的患病率( 每泳池N= 5)较低(2.37%;下限0.78%,上限5.62%),这可能是这些短暂咸淡水池栖息地定期变干的结果。人们越来越关注使用微孢子虫寄生虫作为新型媒介控制策略,并且了解这种微孢子虫及其蚊子寄主的物候可能最终会导致控制这种令人讨厌的叮咬物种的新方法。
