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Large‐scale diversity reassessment, evolutionary history, and taxonomic revision of the green macroalgae family Udoteaceae (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-21 , DOI: 10.1111/jse.12716
Laura Lagourgue 1, 2 , Claude E. Payri 2

Udoteaceae is a morphologically diverse family of the order Bryopsidales. Despite being very widespread geographically, this family is little known as compared with the closely related Halimedaceae or Caulerpaceae. Using the most extensive Udoteaceae collection to date and a multilocus genetic data set (tufA, rbcL, and 18S rDNA), we reassessed the species diversity of the family, as well as the phylogenetic relationships, the diagnostic morphoanatomical characters, and evolutionary history of its genera, toward a proposed taxonomic revision. Our approach included a combination of molecular and morphological criteria, including species delimitation methods, phylogenetic reconstruction, and mapping of trait evolution. We successfully delimited 62 species hypotheses, of which 29 were assigned (existing) species names and 13 represent putative new species. Our results also led us to revise the genera Udotea s.s., Rhipidosiphon s.s., and Chlorodesmis s.s., to validate the genus Rhipidodesmis, and to propose three new genera: Glaukea gen. nov., Ventalia gen. nov., and Udoteopsis gen. nov. We also identified two large species complexes, which we refer to as the “PenicillusRhipidosiphon–Rhipocephalus–Udotea complex” and the “PoropsisPenicillusRhipidodesmis complex”. Using a time-calibrated phylogeny, we estimated the origin of the family Udoteaceae at Late Triassic (ca. 216 Ma), whereas most of the genera originated during Paleogene. Our morphological inference results indicated that the thallus of the Udoteaceae ancestor was likely entirely corticated and calcified, composed of a creeping axis with a multisiphonous stipe and a pluristromatic flabellate frond. The frond shape, cortication, and calcification are still symplesiomorphies for most extant Udoteaceae genera and represent useful diagnostic characters.


绿藻科 Udoteaceae (Bryopsidales, Chlorophyta) 的大规模多样性重新评估、进化历史和分类修订

Udoteaceae是Bryopsidales目形态多样的科。尽管在地理上分布非常广泛,但与密切相关的哈利梅科或花梗科相比,这个科鲜为人知。使用迄今为止最广泛的 Udoteaceae 收集和多位点遗传数据集(tufA,rbcL和 18S rDNA),我们重新评估了该科的物种多样性,以及系统发育关系、诊断形态解剖特征和其属的进化历史,以期提出分类修订。我们的方法包括分子和形态学标准的结合,包括物种划分方法、系统发育重建和性状进化图谱。我们成功界定了 62 个物种假设,其中 29 个被指定(现有)物种名称,13 个代表假定的新物种。我们的结果还使我们修改了Udotea ss、Rhipidosiphon ss 和Chlorodesmis ss 属,以验证Rhipidodesmis属,并提出了三个新属:Glaukea将军 十一月,Ventalia gen。十一月,和Udoteopsis根。十一月 我们还确定了两个大型物种复合体,我们将其称为“青霉属-Rhipidosiphon - Rhipocephalus-Udotea复合体”和“ Poropsis - Penicillus - Rhipidodesmis ”复杂的”。使用时间校准的系统发育,我们估计了 Udoteaceae 家族在晚三叠世(约 216 Ma)的起源,而大多数属起源于古近纪。我们的形态推断结果表明,Udoteaceae 祖先的菌体很可能是完全皮质化和钙化的,由具有多虹吸柄的匍匐轴和多叶状叶片组成。叶子形状、皮质化和钙化仍然是大多数现存的 Udoteaceae 属的共形,代表了有用的诊断特征。