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Late Pleistocene paleosol formation in a dynamic aggradational microenvironment - A case study from the Malá nad Hronom loess succession (Slovakia)
Catena ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2020.105087
B. Bradák , D. Csonka , Á. Novothny , J. Szeberényi , A. Medveďová , P. Rostinsky , K. Fehér , G. Barta , T. Végh , K. Kiss , M. Megyeri

The geomorphological characteristics of the loess succession at Malá nad Hronom (Slovakia) mean that it provides a valuable opportunity for the investigation of differences in soil formation in various topographic positions. Along with the semiquantitative characterization of the paleosols (on the basis of physical properties, texture, the characteristics of peds, clay films, horizon boundaries), high-resolution field magnetic susceptibility measurements and sampling were carried out along four different sections of the profile. Samples for luminescence dating were also taken, in order to establish the chronostratigraphical position of the paleosols studied. The comparison of various proxies revealed the differences in soil formation in a dynamic aggradational microenvironment for the same paleosol horizons located in various positions along the slope. Contrary to expectation, paleosols developed in local top or slope topographical positions did not display significant differences in e.g. in their degree of development, nor the characteristics of their magnetic susceptibility curves. In the case of paleosols in positions lower down the slope, signs of quasi-permanent sediment input could be recognized as being present as early as during the formation of the soil itself. This sediment input would seem to be surpassed in the case of pedogenesis strengthened by the climate of the last interglacial (marine isotope stage - MIS 5). Pedogenesis seems to be sustained by renewed intense dust accumulation in the Late Pleistocene, in MIS 3, though compared to MIS 5, the climate of MIS 3 did not favor intense pedogenesis. Despite the general belief that loess series formed in plateau positions can preserve terrestrial records without significant erosion, in the case of the Malá nad Hronom loess this is not so. Compared to the sequence affected by erosional events in the local top position, the sequence affected by quasi-continuous sediment input in the lower slope position seems to have preserved the soil horizons intact.


动态集聚微环境中晚更新世古土壤形成-以Malánad Hronom黄土演替区(斯洛伐克)为例

马拉纳德赫罗诺姆(斯洛伐克)的黄土演替的地貌特征意味着它为调查不同地形位置的土壤形成差异提供了宝贵的机会。随着古土壤的半定量表征(基于物理性质,质地,踏板,粘土膜的特征,地层边界),还对剖面的四个不同部分进行了高分辨率场磁化率测量和采样。为了确定所研究的古土壤的年代地层位置,还采集了发光测年的样品。各种代理的比较揭示了在沿斜坡的不同位置处的同一古土壤层的动态聚集微环境中土壤形成的差异。与预期相反,在局部顶部或坡度地形位置发育的古土壤在其发育程度或磁化率曲线特征上均未显示出显着差异。在斜坡下方的古土壤中,早在土壤自身形成过程中就已经存在准永久性泥沙输入的迹象。如果最后一次间冰期的气候(海洋同位素阶段-MIS 5)加强了成岩作用,那么似乎将超过沉积物的输入。在MIS 3中,更新世晚期尘埃的重新积累似乎可以维持成岩作用,尽管与MIS 5相比,MIS 3的气候不利于强烈的成岩作用。尽管人们普遍认为高原位置形成的黄土系列可以保留地面记录而没有明显的侵蚀,但对于Mala nad Hronom黄土而言并非如此。与受局部顶部侵蚀事件影响的序列相比,受较低坡度位置准连续沉积物输入影响的序列似乎保留了完整的土壤层位。就马拉纳德·赫罗诺姆(Malánad Hronom)黄土而言,情况并非如此。与局部顶部受侵蚀事件影响的序列相比,下部斜坡位置受准连续沉积物输入影响的序列似乎保留了土壤层位。就马拉纳德·赫罗诺姆(Malánad Hronom)黄土而言,情况并非如此。与局部顶部受侵蚀事件影响的序列相比,下部斜坡位置受准连续沉积物输入影响的序列似乎保留了土壤层位。
