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Contesting the Alamo and Smartness: Theorizing Student Identities, Agency, and Learning within the Contentious Practices of US Classrooms
Theory Into Practice ( IF 3.124 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-07 , DOI: 10.1080/00405841.2019.1705108
Beth Hatt 1 , Luis Urrieta 2

ABSTRACT Identity and agency are key to understanding student learning within classroom contexts. Utilizing figured worlds and local contentious practices as analytical frameworks, identity and agency are theorized as cultural practices that occur as part of the learning process in schools. Specifically, this article discusses self-authorship and the process of self-making as agentic practices in classrooms. History lessons about the Alamo for Mexican-American students and the ways students are positioned in classrooms around concepts of smartness connect theory to practice within the article. Implications are discussed for in-service and pre-service teacher development.



摘要 身份和能动性是理解课堂环境中学生学习的关键。利用虚拟世界和当地有争议的实践作为分析框架,身份和代理被理论化为作为学校学习过程的一部分发生的文化实践。具体而言,本文讨论了自我创作和自我创造过程作为课堂中的代理实践。墨西哥裔美国学生关于阿拉莫的历史课程以及学生在课堂上围绕智能概念的定位方式将文章中的理论与实践联系起来。讨论了对在职和职前教师发展的影响。