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Self-determination and Agency for All: Supporting Students with Severe Disabilities
Theory Into Practice ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-04 , DOI: 10.1080/00405841.2019.1702450
Matthew E. Brock 1 , John M. Schaefer 2 , Rachel L. Seaman 3

ABSTRACT Supporting agency can be complex and challenging, especially when teaching students with severe disabilities (i.e., students with intellectual disability, autism, and/or multiple disabilities who are eligible for their state’s alternate assessment). In this article, we compare Bandura’s model of agency with constructs from the severe disabilities literature (i.e., self-determination and social role valorization) to identify unique challenges for promoting agency with this population. In particular, we focus on how a common staffing pattern in special education—assigning one-to-one staff to work with students with severe disabilities—can unintentionally decrease opportunities for student agency. We describe peer support arrangements, an alternative support model that intentionally fades adult support in order to promote self-determined behavior and student agency. We highlight how this evidence demonstrates that despite unique challenges, it is possible to promote agency for students with severe disabilities through approaches such as peer support arrangements.



摘要 支持机构可能很复杂且具有挑战性,尤其是在教授重度残疾学生(即有资格获得所在州替代评估的智力残疾、自闭症和/或多重残疾学生)时。在本文中,我们将班杜拉的能动性模型与严重残疾文献中的结构(即自决和社会角色价值化)进行比较,以确定在这一人群中促进能动性的独特挑战。我们特别关注特殊教育中常见的人员配置模式——指派一对一的工作人员与严重残疾的学生一起工作——如何无意中减少学生代理的机会。我们描述了同伴支持安排,一种替代支持模式,有意淡化成人支持,以促进自主行为和学生能动性。我们强调了这一证据如何表明,尽管面临独特的挑战,但可以通过同伴支持安排等方法促进对严重残疾学生的代理。