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French and British Colonial Legacies in Education: Evidence from the Partition of Cameroon
The Journal of Economic History ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-05 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022050719000299
Yannick Dupraz

Cameroon was partitioned between France and the United Kingdom after WWI and then reunited after independence. I use this natural experiment to investigate colonial legacies in education, using a border discontinuity analysis of historical census microdata from 1976. I find that men born in the decades following partition had, all else equal, one more year of schooling if they were born in the British part. This positive British effect disappeared after 1950, as the French increased education expenditure, and because of favoritism in school supply towards the Francophone side after reunification. Using 2005 census microdata, I find that the British advantage resurfaced more recently: Cameroonians born after 1970 are more likely to finish high school, attend a university, and have a high-skilled occupation if they were born in the former British part. I explain this result by the legacy of high grade repetition rates in the French-speaking education system and their detrimental effect on dropout.



喀麦隆在第一次世界大战后被法国和英国瓜分,独立后重新统一。我使用这个自然实验来调查教育中的殖民遗产,使用 1976 年历史人口普查微观数据的边界不连续性分析。我发现,在分裂后的几十年出生的人,如果他们出生在英国部分。这种积极的英国效应在 1950 年后消失了,因为法国增加了教育支出,并且由于统一后学校供应偏向法语国家一方。使用 2005 年的人口普查微观数据,我发现英国的优势最近再次出现:1970 年以后出生的喀麦隆人更有可能完成高中、上大学、如果他们出生在前英国地区,并且拥有高技能的职业。我用法语教育系统中高年级留级率的遗留问题及其对辍学的不利影响来解释这一结果。