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Long-Run Effects of Forced Resettlement: Evidence from Apartheid South Africa
The Journal of Economic History ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022050719000512
Martin Abel

In an attempt to divide and marginalize the black population, the apartheid regime forcefully relocated some 3.5 million South Africans to rural homelands between 1960 and 1980. This event, considered one of history’s largest social engineering exercises, created overcrowded and economically deprived communities of displaced people. This article uses geo-coded data to explore the long-term effects of removals on current measures of social capital. Comparing people within the same homeland, I show that those living close to former resettlement camps have higher levels of trust towards members of their social network, people in general, and members of other ethnic groups. These findings are important, as solidarity among suppressed people is believed to be a critical factor in explaining the demise of the apartheid regime.



为了分裂和边缘化黑人人口,种族隔离政权在 1960 年至 1980 年间强行将大约 350 万南非人迁移到农村家园。这一事件被认为是历史上最大的社会工程活动之一,造成了过度拥挤和经济贫困的流离失所者社区. 本文使用地理编码数据来探索搬迁对当前社会资本衡量标准的长期影响。比较同一故乡的人,我发现居住在前安置营附近的人对他们的社会网络成员、一般人和其他族裔群体的成员有更高的信任度。这些发现很重要,因为人们认为被压制的人之间的团结是解释种族隔离政权消亡的关键因素。