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The Origins of Lewin’s Three-Step Model of Change
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-18 , DOI: 10.1177/0021886319892685
Bernard Burnes 1

At the time of his death in 1947, Kurt Lewin was seen as one of the foremost psychologists of his day. He is now best known for his three-step model of change. However, this has been criticized for its “simplicity,” and it has even been suggested that Lewin “never developed such a model,” yet this ignores its links to the rest of Lewin’s work. Surprisingly, there appears to have been no rigorous attempt to understand the connection between Lewin’s early work on field theory and his later work on social and organizational change. In addressing this gap in the Lewin literature, this article will not only show that the three-step model of change is far from being simplistic but also that it was a well-thought-out approach to change based on his development of field theory. The main difference between the two is one of nomenclature rather than substance.



1947 年去世时,库尔特·勒温被视为当时最重要的心理学家之一。他现在最出名的是他的三步变革模型。然而,这因其“简单”而受到批评,甚至有人认为 Lewin“从未开发过这样的模型”,但这忽略了它与 Lewin 其他工作的联系。令人惊讶的是,似乎没有严格的尝试去理解 Lewin 早期的场论工作与他后来的社会和组织变革工作之间的联系。在解决 Lewin 文献中的这一差距时,本文不仅将表明三步变化模型远非简单化,而且是一种基于他的场论发展的深思熟虑的变革方法。