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Organizational Posttraumatic Growth: Thriving After Adversity
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-19 , DOI: 10.1177/0021886320931119
Benjamin N. Alexander 1 , Bruce E. Greenbaum 1 , Abraham B. (Rami) Shani 1 , Yoram Mitki 2 , Arik Horesh 3

This research explores organizational trauma and the phenomenon of organizational posttraumatic growth (OPTG). Many organizations experience traumatic events, events that disrupt core organizational activities. While some affected organizations never recover their prior level of well-being, others surpass their pretrauma state. This research explores this phenomenon by examining how one organization, which was traumatized by a substantial theft committed by a senior leader, emerged transformed and stronger. In the exploration of this intriguing phenomenon, we extend individual-level trauma research to the organization level to address how OPTG occurs. We draw on these findings to chart paths for future research on OPTG and organizational change and consider their implications for development and change practitioners in organizations experiencing trauma.



本研究探讨了组织创伤和组织创伤后成长 (OPTG) 现象。许多组织都会经历创伤性事件,即破坏核心组织活动的事件。虽然一些受影响的组织永远无法恢复其先前的幸福水平,但其他组织则超过了创伤前状态。本研究通过检查一个因高级领导犯下的重大盗窃事件而受到创伤的组织如何转型并变得更强大来探索这一现象。在探索这一有趣现象的过程中,我们将个人层面的创伤研究扩展到了组织层面,以解决 OPTG 是如何发生的。