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Appreciative Inquiry in a Pandemic: An Improbable Pairing
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science ( IF 2.286 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-19 , DOI: 10.1177/0021886320936265
David L. Cooperrider 1 , Ronald Fry 1

The COVID-19 pandemic has irrevocably transformed economies all over the globe, infected millions, and has tragically caused large numbers of deaths. Institutional leaders must react to disrupted supply chains, enable remote workforces, break bad news to employees and families, as well as maintain their own hope and energy so they can continue to serve, guide, and move forward without any trusted roadmap. Amid this unpredictable emergence, we are grateful to The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Editors for the opportunity to share thoughts on why and how appreciative inquiry (AI) can be of help.1 To begin, let us recognize that it is in times of disruption the best in human systems can burst forth. Resilience, grit, and care for others, for example, can grow. Values can come alive and be intensely lived. To be sure, in the immediate or near term, resilience is existentially crucial. And for longer term, we know this from years of research on organizational culture: corporate cultures are almost totally tested and forged in the crucible of crises, during the most challenging times of external adaptation and internal integration (Schein, 1983). How leaders lead during times of catastrophe has an outsized effect on the future of organizational identity, collective confidence, resilience, and corporate value congruence. Moreover, while it may seem a luxury to talk about organization development (OD) during a major dislodgement like this, that is exactly what leaders need to do.



COVID-19 大流行已经不可逆转地改变了全球经济,感染了数百万人,并不幸造成了大量死亡。机构领导者必须对中断的供应链做出反应,启用远程劳动力,向员工和家人通报坏消息,并保持自己的希望和活力,以便他们能够在没有任何可信路线图的情况下继续服务、指导和前进。在这种不可预测的情况下,我们感谢 The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Editors 有机会分享关于鉴赏式探究 (AI) 为什么以及如何提供帮助的想法。 1 首先,让我们认识到它正处于颠覆时期人类系统中最好的可以爆发。例如,韧性、毅力和对他人的关心可以增长。价值观可以活跃起来并被强烈地生活。为了确定,在近期或近期内,复原力对生存至关重要。从长远来看,我们从多年对组织文化的研究中了解到:企业文化几乎完全在危机的熔炉中经受考验,在外部适应和内部整合最具挑战性的时期(Schein,1983)。领导者在灾难时期的领导方式对组织身份、集体信心、弹性和企业价值一致性的未来有着巨大的影响。此外,虽然在像这样的重大变革期间谈论组织发展 (OD) 似乎是一种奢侈,但这正是领导者需要做的。在外部适应和内部整合最具挑战性的时期,企业文化几乎完全在危机的熔炉中经受考验和形成(Schein,1983)。领导者在灾难时期的领导方式对组织身份、集体信心、弹性和企业价值一致性的未来有着巨大的影响。此外,虽然在像这样的重大变革期间谈论组织发展 (OD) 似乎是一种奢侈,但这正是领导者需要做的。在外部适应和内部整合最具挑战性的时期,企业文化几乎完全在危机的熔炉中经受考验和塑造(Schein,1983)。领导者在灾难时期的领导方式对组织身份、集体信心、弹性和企业价值一致性的未来有着巨大的影响。此外,虽然在像这样的重大变革期间谈论组织发展 (OD) 似乎是一种奢侈,但这正是领导者需要做的。