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The competent reviser: a short-term empirical study on revision teaching and revision competence acquisition
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer ( IF 1.222 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-15 , DOI: 10.1080/1750399x.2019.1639245
Giovanna Scocchera 1


Drawing from research on revision competence and revision didactics, and based on the proposal of a multi-component revision competence model, a short-term revision course was offered in 2015 as part of a Specialized Translation module. During the course, students were also involved in an experimental study whose overall aim was to investigate the students’ attitude towards revision and their background skills as well as the progress in the acquisition of single revision sub-competences. A second, specific objective was to test the validity and efficacy of the contents and methods chosen and to monitor the effects of such training on revision competence acquisition. A third objective was to collect data on the relationship between different revision procedures and modalities and their outcomes. Finally, the study also aimed at collecting first-hand data on the students’ satisfaction with the course in order to better address their future training needs. This paper will illustrate the rationale behind the revision course, the design and realisation of the study, the data obtained from the revision assignment and the end-of-study questionnaire, also providing insights and practical suggestions on what kind of revision-specific education and training activities can be best devised and offered to translation and revision students.




