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Implementing learning analytics for learning impact: Taking tools to task
The Internet and Higher Education ( IF 8.591 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2020.100729
Simon Knight , Andrew Gibson , Antonette Shibani

Learning analytics has the potential to impact student learning, at scale. Embedded in that claim are a set of assumptions and tensions around the nature of scale, impact on student learning, and the scope of infrastructure encompassed by ‘learning analytics’ as a socio-technical field. Drawing on our design experience of developing learning analytics and inducting others into its use, we present a model that we have used to address five key challenges we have encountered. In developing this model, we recommend: A focus on impact on learning through augmentation of existing practice; the centrality of tasks in implementing learning analytics for impact on learning; the commensurate centrality of learning in evaluating learning analytics; inclusion of co-design approaches in implementing learning analytics across sites; and an attention to both social and technical infrastructure.



