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Exploring the Relations of Gender, Science Dispositions and Science Achievement on STEM Career Aspirations for Adolescents in Public Schools in the UAE
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s40299-020-00522-0
Dean Cairns , Martina Dickson

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has undergone immense transformation since the discovery of oil in the late 1950s, and the educational sector has seen vivid reform. The UAE government is increasingly seeking diversification of its economy and, as a result, the country’s goals heavily emphasise education in the development of its Knowledge Economy. There is a strong emphasis on science skills and knowledge among the national population in the UAE National Vision for 2021, to drive technological innovations that will necessitate large numbers of highly qualified nationals working in the STEM sector. Therefore, the study of young peoples’ STEM career aspirations is critical in the UAE. Using data from the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) 2015 database, this study investigates the relationship between STEM career aspirations among 15-year-old girls and boys (N = 5158) with science achievement, and the links between students’ enjoyment of science, science self-efficacy, interest in science and instrumental motivation to learn science with STEM career aspirations. Students’ science achievement was found to be positively associated with STEM career aspirations and a significantly stronger association was observed for male students. Students’ enjoyment of science, science self-efficacy, interest in science and instrumental motivation to learn science were found to be significantly positively associated with STEM career aspirations for both genders. However, a considerably stronger relationship with STEM career aspirations was observed for female students with higher levels of instrumental motivation to learn science. Possible implications of these findings for the UAE are discussed.



自从1950年代后期发现石油以来,阿拉伯联合酋长国(UAE)经历了巨大的变革,而教育部门也经历了生动的改革。阿联酋政府日益寻求使其经济多样化,因此,该国的目标在发展知识经济的过程中着重强调了教育。阿联酋《 2021年国家愿景》中非常重视国民中的科学技能和知识,以推动技术创新,这将需要大量在STEM领域工作的高素质国民。因此,对年轻人的STEM职业抱负的研究在阿联酋至关重要。使用2015年PISA(国际学生评估计划)数据库中的数据,ñ = 5158)与科学成就之间的联系,以及学生对科学的享受,科学的自我效能感,对科学的兴趣以及以STEM事业为志的学习科学的工具动机之间的联系。发现学生的科学成就与STEM的职业抱负成正相关,而对男生的观察力则强得多。发现学生对科学的享受,科学的自我效能感,对科学的兴趣以及学习科学的工具动机与男女的STEM职业抱负有着显着的正相关。但是,对于具有更高学习科学动机的女性学生来说,与STEM职业理想之间的关系更为密切。讨论了这些发现可能对阿联酋的影响。
