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Book Review: The Trans Generation: How Trans Kids (and Their Parents) Are Creating a Gender Revolution
Teaching Sociology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-22 , DOI: 10.1177/0092055x20931057
Lawrence Stacey 1

we are referred to as “new” despite historical evidence to the contrary in much of today’s social science as eerily similar to the ways the members of the symposia at the end of The Testaments—and The Handmaid’s Tale—express confusion, ignorance, or disbelief about the women’s narratives in these two books. As such, this section could be utilized to encourage students to think about the social construction of knowledge, what we might be missing from scientific theories at any given time, and the importance of continuously seeking to always pursue new information, different standpoints, and diverse perspectives. Furthermore, this same example could be used to discuss the ways power impacts what is “fact” or “knowledge” or “normal” at any given time within and beyond any given scientific discipline, society, or other collective arena. In sum, a little over a decade since I first read The Handmaid’s Tale as an assigned text in an undergraduate sociology course, it is interesting to think about both how relevant that novel remains for teaching sociology (see also Walker 2020) and also how useful The Testaments could be in any sociology course as either a companion to The Handmaid’s Tale or by itself. Especially as someone who now writes sociology-based novels that are used to teach about LGBTQIA lives, Southern experience, families, and relationships in sociology courses across the United States (see e.g., Sumerau 2017, 2018, 2020), I continue to be fascinated by the ways novels can expand and improve student appreciation for, application of, and engagement with sociological methods, theories, and concepts. Although one might initially think of The Testaments primarily in terms of its artistic merit and literary readability, it also represents a text that could be utilized by sociological teachers and students to ask, discuss, theorize, and otherwise engage with a wide variety of course contents.



我们被称为“新的”,尽管在今天的大部分社会科学中都有相反的历史证据,与《遗嘱》和《使女的故事》结尾的座谈会成员表达困惑、无知或怀疑的方式出奇地相似关于这两本书中女性的叙述。因此,这部分可以用来鼓励学生思考知识的社会建构、科学理论在任何时候可能遗漏的东西,以及不断寻求新信息、不同立场和多样化的重要性。观点。此外,这个相同的例子可以用来讨论在任何给定的科学学科、社会或其他集体领域内外的任何给定时间,权力如何影响“事实”、“知识”或“正常”。总共,自从我第一次在本科社会学课程中将《使女的故事》作为指定课本阅读以来已有十多年了,思考这部小说与社会学教学的相关性(另见 Walker 2020)以及《遗嘱》的有用性是很有趣的在任何社会学课程中作为使女的故事的伴侣或本身。特别是作为现在写社会学小说的人,这些小说用于在美国各地的社会学课程中教授 LGBTQIA 生活、南方经历、家庭和关系(参见例如 Sumerau 2017、2018、2020),我继续着迷通过小说可以扩展和提高学生对社会学方法、理论和概念的欣赏、应用和参与的方式。