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Film Review: Disturbing the Peace
Teaching Sociology ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0092055x20959846
Hadi Khoshneviss 1

by music and features outstanding narration by Reynolds.) The podcast 1619 (Hannah-Jones 2019) would also work well with Holy Hierarchy, since they both strongly locate systemic racism within its historical context and could provide students with opportunities to compare and contrast various influences on the social construction of race. The film, in whole or in part, is also a good fit for Sociology of Religion courses, where discussions of the intersection of religion and race/racism are increasingly vital. By pairing Holy Hierarchy with activities like Peretz’s (2015) cost-benefit analysis of religion in society, students can better understand the socially constructed nature of both race and religion, perhaps even producing their own analyses of how Christianity relates to white supremacy and racism. As with any film that includes sensitive, controversial, or disturbing content, instructors should take into account the fact that Holy Hierarchy includes numerous brutal images (including of enslaved people and lynchings), audio clips of virulent hate speech, and some sharp criticisms of religious belief and practice. For those new to teaching about race, Harbin, Thurber, and Bandy (2019) discuss many important pedagogical considerations and provide helpful strategies for treating students with care and empathy in this challenging learning space. With its well-curated content, accomplished panel of experts, and powerfully presented argument, Holy Hierarchy is likely to generate spirited classroom conversations about religion and white supremacy. When used alongside other relevant texts, multimedia materials, and activities, the film could certainly help sociology instructors fulfill their urgent responsibility to engage students in the study of systemic, structural, and institutional racism.



由音乐和雷诺兹出色的叙述。)播客 1619(Hannah-Jones 2019)也适用于 Holy Hierarchy,因为它们都强烈地将系统性种族主义置于其历史背景中,并且可以为学生提供比较和对比各种影响的机会论种族的社会建构。这部电影的整体或部分也非常适合宗教社会学课程,在这些课程中,对宗教与种族/种族主义交叉点的讨论越来越重要。通过将神圣等级制度与 Peretz (2015) 对社会宗教的成本效益分析等活动结合起来,学生可以更好地理解种族和宗教的社会建构性质,甚至可能对基督教与白人至上和种族主义的关系进行自己的分析。与任何包含敏感信息的电影一样,有争议或令人不安的内容,教师应考虑到这样一个事实,即神圣等级制度包括许多残酷的图像(包括奴役和私刑)、恶毒仇恨言论的音频剪辑,以及对宗教信仰和实践的一些尖锐批评。Harbin、Thurber 和 Bandy(2019 年)讨论了许多重要的教学考虑因素,并为在这个充满挑战的学习空间中以关怀和同理心对待学生提供了有用的策略。凭借精心策划的内容、成熟的专家小组和有力的论据,Holy Hierarchy 很可能会引发有关宗教和白人至上主义的热烈课堂对话。当与其他相关文本、多媒体材料和活动一起使用时,