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Book Review: The Credential Society: An Historical Sociology of Education and Stratification
Teaching Sociology ( IF 1.860 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-03 , DOI: 10.1177/0092055x19890641
Christopher M. Hill 1

program requirements—something that might inform conversations around mentorship and advising. In order to preserve confidentiality, Small was not able to disclose the race and ethnicity of his respondents. Scholars looking for a better understanding of how these dynamics might be shaped by race or educators looking to hear more about the experiences of graduate students of color will not find their answers in this volume. The material in this book might pair well with Beverly Tatum’s (2003) Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria and Other Conversations about Race, which considers self-segregation and the experience of students of color in majority-white and multiracial educational contexts. Students might be encouraged to reflect upon how their own experience of race in school might confirm or complicate Small’s findings about the graduate school experience. More generally, Small’s book restricts its discussion to confidants—this is just one type of relationship that might interest scholars and educators, and future work will have to consider the others. The traditional literature on core discussion networks cited throughout the book, including McPherson and Smith-Lovin (2006) and other literature on social capital, could be used to compare and contrast types of ties (for an overview, see Portes 1998). In terms of less studied interactions, what might be the role of individuals with whom we frequently engage but do not necessarily confide in? Scholars such as Ray Oldenburg (1989) have noted the importance of “third spaces”— places that are neither home nor work that allow people to interact with one another. The barista or bus driver that we see each day may not be a confidant but could well play an important role in our overall sense of well-being. A course activity might involve gathering qualitative data in order to address this question. This book provides an excellent opportunity for scholars of all subfields to enhance their understanding of social network theory and research methods using a context that will be immediately familiar to anyone who has attended graduate school or works at one. It would pair well with existing TRAILS resources that guide students through some of the traditional methods of network analysis that Small problematizes in this book. For example, Marin (2013) provides guidelines for a series of assignments wherein students learn to collect and analyze their own social network data. The assignments, which are pitched at the advanced undergraduate level, can be used cumulatively in one large project, but each individual assignment can also stand on its own. Students might also be asked to add additional questions in light of Small’s findings or to consider a mixed-method approach that is supplemented by an interview-based data collection assignment that draws from the interview questions posed by Small in Someone to Talk To.



计划要求——可能会为围绕指导和建议的对话提供信息。为了保密,斯莫尔无法透露受访者的种族和民族。希望更好地了解种族如何影响这些动态的学者或希望更多地了解有色人种研究生经历的教育工作者将无法在本卷中找到答案。本书中的材料可能与贝弗利·塔图姆 (Beverly Tatum) 的 (2003) 为什么所有的黑人孩子都坐在自助餐厅里和其他关于种族的对话很好地结合在一起,其中考虑了自我隔离以及有色人种学生在多数白人和多种族教育中的经历上下文。可能会鼓励学生反思他们自己在学校的种族经历如何证实或复杂化 Small 关于研究生院经历的发现。更一般地说,斯莫尔的书将其讨论限制在知己——这只是学者和教育者可能感兴趣的一种关系,未来的工作将不得不考虑其他关系。全书引用的关于核心讨论网络的传统文献,包括 McPherson 和 Smith-Lovin (2006) 以及其他关于社会资本的文献,可用于比较和对比关系类型(概述,参见 Portes 1998)。就较少研究的相互作用而言,我们经常接触但不一定信任的个人可能扮演什么角色?雷·奥尔登堡 (Ray Oldenburg) (1989) 等学者已经注意到“第三空间”的重要性——既不是家也不是工作的地方,允许人们彼此互动。我们每天看到的咖啡师或公交车司机可能不是知己,但很可能在我们的整体幸福感中发挥重要作用。课程活动可能涉及收集定性数据以解决此问题。本书为所有子领域的学者提供了一个极好的机会,以使用任何上过研究生院或在其中工作的人都会立即熟悉的背景来增强他们对社交网络理论和研究方法的理解。它将与现有的 TRAILS 资源很好地结合起来,这些资源可以指导学生完成 Small 在本书中提出问题的一些传统网络分析方法。例如,Marin (2013) 为一系列作业提供了指导方针,学生在这些作业中学习收集和分析他们自己的社交网络数据。分配给本科高级水平的作业可以在一个大型项目中累积使用,但每个单独的作业也可以独立存在。还可能会要求学生根据 Small 的发现添加其他问题,或者考虑采用混合方法,并辅以基于访谈的数据收集作业,该作业从 Small 在有人谈话中提出的访谈问题中提取。例如,Marin (2013) 为一系列作业提供了指导方针,学生在这些作业中学习收集和分析他们自己的社交网络数据。分配给本科高级水平的作业可以在一个大型项目中累积使用,但每个单独的作业也可以独立存在。还可能会要求学生根据 Small 的发现添加其他问题,或者考虑采用混合方法,并辅以基于访谈的数据收集作业,该作业从 Small 在有人谈话中提出的访谈问题中提取。例如,Marin (2013) 为一系列作业提供了指导方针,学生在这些作业中学习收集和分析他们自己的社交网络数据。分配给本科高级水平的作业可以在一个大型项目中累积使用,但每个单独的作业也可以独立存在。还可能会要求学生根据 Small 的发现添加其他问题,或者考虑采用混合方法,并辅以基于访谈的数据收集作业,该作业从 Small 在有人谈话中提出的访谈问题中提取。可以在一个大型项目中累积使用,但每个单独的作业也可以独立存在。还可能会要求学生根据 Small 的发现添加其他问题,或者考虑采用混合方法,并辅以基于访谈的数据收集作业,该作业从 Small 在有人谈话中提出的访谈问题中提取。可以在一个大型项目中累积使用,但每个单独的作业也可以独立存在。还可能会要求学生根据 Small 的发现添加其他问题,或者考虑采用混合方法,并辅以基于访谈的数据收集作业,该作业从 Small 在有人谈话中提出的访谈问题中提取。