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Learning in Democracy: Deliberation and Activism as Forms of Education
Studies in Philosophy and Education ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s11217-019-09671-2
Rachel Wahl

The press and scholars alike often bemoan the failure of civil public deliberation. Yet this insistence on civility excludes people who engage in adversarial tactics, limiting the ideas that are heard within deliberation. Drawing on a deliberative dialogue that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, in the aftermath of the deadly White Supremacist rally of 2017, this article reveals how the capacity of deliberation to be inclusive of diverse voices depends upon deliberators’ orientation to learn from people who do not participate in deliberation. While much scholarship attends to learning for democracy, as in the preparation of young citizens, this article shows the significance of learning in democracy, as in the capacity of adults to learn in the midst of political strife.



新闻界和学者都经常为民事公众协商的失败而哀叹。然而,这种对文明的坚持将那些从事对抗性策略的人排除在外,限制了在商议中听到的想法。本文借鉴了在 2017 年致命的白人至上主义集会之后发生在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔的商议对话,揭示了商议包容不同声音的能力如何取决于商议者向不这样做的人学习的方向参与审议。虽然很多学术都关注为民主而学习,如在青年公民的准备中,但本文展示了在民主中学习的重要性,就像成年人在政治冲突中学习的能力一样。