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Exploring the relationship between social class and sport event volunteering
Sport Management Review ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.smr.2020.06.002
John W. Hayton 1 , Milly Blundell 2

There is a dearth of research that examines the relationship between sport event volunteering and social class. This article contributes to this gap by exploring the social class of volunteers involved in the running of a series of major international field hockey events held between 2015 and 2017 at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, London. The authors draw upon longitudinal research that utilises demographic information and qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with 46 event volunteers. To gauge the social composition of this volunteer pool, the authors first discern the social class categories of the study’s participants.

Following analysis of the qualitative data, the authors then examine how the interplay between social class and Pierre Bourdieu’s principal forms of cultural, economic and social capital shapes the volunteer workforce, and how they might operate to inhibit under-represented groups from volunteering. In parallel to the class analysis of the participants, the authors provide novel insights into the organisational amassing of an event volunteer workforce. The article concludes by considering the implications of the nexus between social class, capitals, and inclusion within event volunteering and its management.




在对定性数据进行分析之后,作者随后研究了社会阶层与皮埃尔·布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)的主要文化,经济和社会资本主要形式之间的相互作用如何塑造志愿者队伍,以及他们如何发挥作用来抑制代表性不足的群体的志愿工作。在对参与者进行课堂分析的同时,作者为活动志愿者的组织积累提供了新颖的见解。本文的结论是通过考虑社会阶层,资本以及活动志愿服务及其管理中的包容性之间的联系所产生的影响。
