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Organs of State: An Anatomy
South African Journal on Human Rights ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2015-12-01 , DOI: 10.1080/02587203.2015.12035720
Meghan Finn

In South Africa there are two sorts of constitutional and administrative lawyers: those who like to have their terminology, principles and rules nicely classified and meticulously defined, and those who don't really care. The former ... expend a good deal of effort trying to define some fairly basic terms such as 'the State' before proceeding to the substance of the subjects. For that they deserve praise for having the courage to pursue this daunting task. The latter (rather small) group don't seem much concerned with such precision, yet seem to get along relatively well without it, even in court. ... The fact that 'the State' continues to function ... despite this welter of confused terminology would seem to indicate that there is no need -apart from the virtue of consistencyfor precise, all-embracing definitions of the State.'


