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The Purposes of Refugee Education: Policy and Practice of Including Refugees in National Education Systems
Sociology of Education ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-16 , DOI: 10.1177/0038040719863054
Sarah Dryden-Peterson 1 , Elizabeth Adelman 1 , Michelle J. Bellino 2 , Vidur Chopra 1

This article explores the understood purposes of refugee education at global, national, and school levels. To do so, we focus on a radical shift in global policy to integrate refugees into national education systems and the processes of vernacularization accompanying its widespread implementation. We use a comparative case study approach; our dataset comprises global policy documents and original interviews (n = 147) and observations in 14 refugee-hosting nation-states. We analyze how the purposes of refugee education are understood and acted upon by actors occupying diverse positions across these nation-states and over time. We demonstrate that the articulated purposes of refugee education are oriented toward possible futures for refugees, and they presuppose refugees’ access to quality education, social belonging, and economic opportunities. Yet we find that across nation-states of exile, refugees’ access to these resources is tenuous. Our findings suggest reconceptualizing refugee education to reflect how refugees are simultaneously embedded within multiple national contexts and to address the exclusions they face within each one. This study of refugee education has implications for understanding the purposes of education in other ever-more-common contexts of uncertainty, including the rapid economic and social changes brought about by migration, globalization, and technology. Empirically, understanding the purposes of refugee education is critical in a time of unprecedented forced migration.



本文探讨了全球,国家和学校各级难民教育的理解目的。为此,我们将重点放在全球政策的根本转变上,以将难民纳入国家教育系统,并伴随其广泛实施而实行乡土化进程。我们使用比较案例研究方法;我们的数据集包括全球政策文件和原始访谈(n = 147)以及在14个难民收容国家中的观察结果。我们分析了在这些民族国家以及不同时期占据不同位置的行为者如何理解和采取难民教育的目的。我们证明,难民教育的明确目的是面向难民可能的未来,并且它们以难民获得优质教育,社会归属感和经济机会为前提。然而,我们发现,在流亡的各个民族国家中,难民获得这些资源的途径是微弱的。我们的研究结果表明,应重新概念化难民教育,以反映难民如何同时融入多个国家背景,并解决他们在每个国家中面临的排斥。这项关于难民教育的研究对于理解其他在不确定性越来越高的情况下的教育目的具有影响,其中包括不确定性,移民,全球化和技术带来的迅速的经济和社会变化。从经验上讲,在前所未有的强迫移民时代,了解难民教育的目的至关重要。我们的研究结果表明,应重新概念化难民教育,以反映难民如何同时融入多个国家背景,并解决他们在每个国家中面临的排斥。这项关于难民教育的研究对于理解其他在不确定性越来越高的情况下的教育目的具有影响,其中包括不确定性,移民,全球化和技术带来的迅速的经济和社会变化。从经验上讲,在前所未有的强迫移民时代,了解难民教育的目的至关重要。我们的研究结果表明,应重新概念化难民教育,以反映难民如何同时融入多个国家背景,并解决他们在每个国家中面临的排斥。这项关于难民教育的研究对于理解在其他越来越不确定的情况下的教育目的具有影响,其中包括不确定性环境,包括移民,全球化和技术带来的迅速的经济和社会变化。从经验上讲,在前所未有的强迫移民时代,了解难民教育的目的至关重要。包括移民,全球化和技术带来的快速的经济和社会变化。从经验上讲,在前所未有的强迫移民时代,了解难民教育的目的至关重要。包括移民,全球化和技术带来的快速的经济和社会变化。从经验上讲,在前所未有的强迫移民时代,了解难民教育的目的至关重要。