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Language, affect, and carnivalesque: tourism encounters and transgressive narratives on a party island
Social Semiotics ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-21 , DOI: 10.1080/10350330.2020.1810548
Raymund Vitorio 1


Party island tourism is construed as a type of tourism that heavily relies on sensory and intimate encounters that evince structures of inequality. In this paper, I investigate how the notion of the party influences the negotiation of sociolinguistic relations on party islands. By employing a linguistic ethnographic approach, this paper attempts to examine the affective dimensions of the narratives of “tourism frontliners” about their tourism encounters in Boracay from the perspective of the party. The party dynamics in Boracay can be described as carnivalesque, which shows “ … life turned inside out … the reverse side of the world” (Bakhtin, Mikhail. 1984. Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics. Translated and edited by Caryl Emerson. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 122). I argue that the coalescence of different participants, emotions, and linguistic practices in the Boracay party enables tourism frontliners to subvert various forms of inequality (e.g. occupational norms, precarity, and discrimination) through their accounts of getting even and getting by. This results in a suspension of reality – a space where transgressive behavior can potentially disrupt or reconfigure unequal sociolinguistic relations. This paper argues that while carnivalesque behaviors are inherently suspensions of reality, their iterability can lead to the establishment of sustainabile transgressive spaces.




派对岛旅游被解释为一种严重依赖感官和亲密接触的旅游,这表明不平等结构。在本文中,我研究了政党的概念如何影响政党岛屿上社会语言关系的谈判。通过采用语言人种学方法,本文试图从政党的角度研究“旅游前线”关于他们在长滩岛的旅游遭遇的叙事的情感维度。长滩岛的派对动态可以被描述为狂欢节,它表明“……生活颠倒了……世界的另一面”(巴赫金,米哈伊尔。1984。陀思妥耶夫斯基诗学问题. 由卡丽尔·爱默生翻译和编辑。明尼阿波利斯:明尼苏达大学出版社,122)。我认为,长滩岛派对中不同参与者、情感和语言实践的融合使旅游前线人员能够通过他们对平衡和过时的描述来颠覆各种形式的不平等(例如职业规范、不稳定和歧视)。这导致了现实的悬浮——在这个空间中,越轨行为可能会破坏或重新配置不平等的社会语言关系。本文认为,虽然狂欢节行为本质上是现实的悬置,但它们的可迭代性可以导致建立可持续的海侵空间。
