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Guilt trip: emotion, identity, and power in migrant online discourse
Social Semiotics ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-27 , DOI: 10.1080/10350330.2020.1810556
Alwin C. Aguirre 1, 2


Although it may appear quite obvious the natural link between migration and emotions, it has been largely ignored in migration analyses that tend to focus on the neo-liberalist projects that restructure sites of production and consumption [Brooks, Ann, and Ruth Simpson. 2013. Emotions in Transmigration: Transformation, Movement and Identity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan]. There can be no overemphasizing the necessity of bringing into the center stage the role of emotions in migrant life as they are implicated in particular identity claims. This paper heeds the call of Wetherell, Margaret [2012. Affect and Emotion: A New Social Science Understanding. London: Sage] for an affective-discursive turn by finding ways that will make grasping emotions in discourse a viable and potent research agenda through the lens of practice Taking emotion as “dramatistic role” [Sarbin, Theodore. 1986. “Emotion and Act: Roles and Rhetoric.” In The Social Construction of Emotions, edited by Rom Harré, 83–97. Oxford: Basil Blackwell], I analyze two texts: a state-produced document for Filipino migrants and a particular blog content of a Filipino migrant in New Zealand to demonstrate how the feeling of guilt is bound up in power relations in constructing the ideal Filipino migrant identity.




尽管移民与情绪之间的自然联系可能看起来很明显,但在移民分析中,它在很大程度上被忽略了,这些分析倾向于关注重组生产和消费场所的新自由主义项目[布鲁克斯、安和露丝·辛普森。2013.轮回中的情感:转变、运动和身份。纽约:帕尔格雷夫麦克米伦]。将情绪在移民生活中的作用置于中心舞台的必要性再怎么强调也不为过,因为它们与特定的身份主张有关。本文响应了 Wetherell, Margaret [2012 的号召。情感与情感:一种新的社会科学理解. 伦敦:Sage] 寻求情感话语的转变,通过实践的视角,寻找使话语中的情感把握成为可行且有效的研究议程的方法 将情感视为“戏剧角色”[Sarbin,Theodore。1986. “情感与行为:角色与修辞”。在情感的社会建构中,由 Rom Harré 编辑,83-97。牛津:Basil Blackwell],我分析了两篇文章:一份国家为菲律宾移民制作的文件和一个在新西兰的菲律宾移民的特定博客内容,以展示在构建理想的菲律宾移民的过程中,内疚感如何与权力关系联系在一起身份。
