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Interdisciplinarity and Team Innovation: The Role of Team Experiential and Relational Resources
Small Group Research ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-15 , DOI: 10.1177/1046496420928405
Alex Vestal 1 , Jessica Mesmer-Magnus 1

Interdisciplinary teams composed of members with different expertise possess a variety of perspectives, which increases their potential for innovation. In reality, team members often fail to integrate their expertise, resulting in the team not reaching its innovative potential. It is argued the unsharedness of expertise within interdisciplinary teams has an inverted-U relationship with innovation. To explore the conditions under which the unsharedness of expertise enhances or impairs innovation, the resource-based view of organizational productivity is applied to teams. It is argued the amount and configuration of team relational and experiential resources facilitate teams’ ability to integrate members’ expertise for innovation.



由具有不同专业知识的成员组成的跨学科团队具有多种视角,这增加了他们的创新潜力。在现实中,团队成员往往无法整合他们的专业知识,导致团队无法发挥其创新潜力。有人认为,跨学科团队内专业知识的不共享与创新呈倒 U 型关系。为了探索专业知识的非共享增强或削弱创新的条件,基于资源的组织生产力观点被应用于团队。有人认为,团队关系和经验资源的数量和配置促进了团队整合成员专业知识以进行创新的能力。