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A Synthesis of Reading Comprehension Interventions for Persons With Mild Intellectual Disability
Review of Educational Research ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-20 , DOI: 10.3102/0034654319857041
Alexandra Shelton , Jade Wexler 1 , Rebecca D. Silverman 2 , Laura M. Stapleton 1

The inclusion of individuals with intellectual disability (ID) in typical settings is increasing. To promote success in these settings, educators must support the reading comprehension of individuals with ID. Therefore, we conducted a synthesis of the extant research on reading comprehension interventions for individuals in the largest category of ID—mild ID—in Grades 4 through 12 and postsecondary programs. We review the methodological and intervention features of eight group-design studies and six single-case design studies published between January 2001 and December 2018. Findings from the 14 studies revealed inconsistent effects of single-component and multicomponent interventions on expository and narrative reading comprehension. However, medium to large positive effects were typically found from interventions using peer-mediated instruction and explicit strategy instruction. More rigorous research investigating the effects of reading comprehension interventions for individuals with mild ID using standardized measures is warranted. Practical implications and recommendations for future research are discussed.



在典型环境中纳入智障 (ID) 个人的情况正在增加。为了在这些环境中取得成功,教育工作者必须支持智障人士的阅读理解能力。因此,我们对 4 至 12 年级和高等教育项目中最大的智力障碍类别(轻度智力障碍)中的个人阅读理解干预的现有研究进行了综合。我们回顾了 2001 年 1 月至 2018 年 12 月期间发表的 8 项小组设计研究和 6 项单案例设计研究的方法学和干预特征。 14 项研究的结果显示,单组分和多组分干预对说明性和叙述性阅读理解的影响不一致。然而,使用同伴中介教学和明确策略教学的干预通常会发现中到大的积极影响。有必要进行更严格的研究,使用标准化措施调查阅读理解干预对轻度 ID 个体的影响。讨论了未来研究的实际意义和建议。