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Development of Motivational Variables and Self-Esteem During the School Career: A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies
Review of Educational Research ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-21 , DOI: 10.3102/0034654318819127
Vsevolod Scherrer 1 , Franzis Preckel 1

Theoretical approaches and empirical research suggest a decline in the levels of motivational variables and self-esteem among students during the school career. However, precise statements about the magnitude of the change remain elusive. Conducting a meta-analysis of 107 independent longitudinal studies with 912 effect sizes, we found an overall decrease of Glass’s Δ = −.108 over an average duration of 1.654 years. Change significantly differed by construct with the largest decreases in intrinsic motivation, math and language academic self-concepts, mastery achievement goals, and performance-approach achievement goals. There were no significant mean-level changes in self-esteem, general academic self-concept, academic self-efficacy, and performance avoidance achievement goals. School stage and transition to middle school or high school were not significantly associated with the change. Findings generalized over academic domain and questionnaire used for all constructs except for academic self-concept. The decline was larger in Europe than in North America or Asia.



理论方法和实证研究表明,学生在学校生涯中的动机变量和自尊水平下降。然而,关于变化幅度的准确陈述仍然难以捉摸。对具有 912 个效应量的 107 项独立纵向研究进行荟萃分析,我们发现 Glass 的 Δ = -.108 在平均持续时间为 1.654 年期间总体下降。变化因内在动机、数学和语言学术自我概念、掌握成就目标和绩效方法成就目标下降幅度最大的结构而显着不同。自尊、一般学业自我概念、学业自我效能和绩效回避成就目标没有显着的平均水平变化。学校阶段和向中学或高中的过渡与变化没有显着相关性。研究结果概括了学术领域和用于除学术自我概念之外的所有结构的问卷。欧洲的下降幅度大于北美或亚洲。