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Shifting Gears: Characteristics and Consequences of Latent Class Transitions in Doctoral Socialization
Research in Higher Education ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s11162-019-09583-7
Soojeong Jeong , Kaylee Litson , Jennifer Blaney , David F. Feldon

Using a national sample of 336 biology Ph.D. students, this study classified students based on their interactions with faculty and peers, and investigated longitudinal changes in their interaction classifications over 3 years. We also examined associations between students’ interaction classifications, their demographic backgrounds (e.g., gender, international student status, first-generation status, and underrepresented racial/ethnic minority status), and doctoral outcomes (e.g., sense of belonging, satisfaction with academic development, institutional commitment, and scholarly productivity). The findings revealed that three distinct subgroups existed among the current sample of biology Ph.D. students, with respect to their interactions with their faculty and peers: high interaction with faculty and peers, high interaction with peers only, and low interaction with faculty and peers. However, such patterns of doctoral students’ interactions with faculty and peers tended to, in general, be stable over time. In addition, while the differential effects of demographic variables on changes in these interaction patterns were widely founded, such changes were not substantially linked to doctoral student outcomes. Implications for research on doctoral education and socialization theory are discussed.



使用336位生物学博士学位的国家样本 学生,本研究根据与教职员工和同龄人的互动对学生进行分类,并调查了三年来他们的互动分类的纵向变化。我们还研究了学生的互动分类,他们的人口统计学背景(例如,性别,国际学生身份,第一代身份和代表性不足的种族/族裔少数地位)与博士学位结果(例如,归属感,对学术发展的满意度)之间的关联,机构承诺和学术生产力)。研究结果表明,在目前的生物学博士学位样本中存在三个不同的亚组。学生与教职员工之间的互动:与教职员工之间的高度互动,仅与同伴之间的高度互动,与教职员工和同伴之间的互动度较低。但是,随着时间的流逝,博士生与教职员工和同伴之间的互动模式通常趋于稳定。此外,虽然人口统计学变量对这些相互作用模式变化的不同影响已得到广泛证实,但这种变化与博士生的学习成果并没有实质联系。讨论了对博士教育和社会化理论研究的启示。